The View From Here – How Are You REALLY Feeling – It’s Another Feel Good Friday!
August 28, 2020 3:05 pmIt’s another Feel Good Friday – together with the Canadian Mental Health Association – Lambton-Kent.
Maybe you’re tired of being asked – but how ARE you feeling?
I was asked that question last night by someone and I said “Do you want the expected answer of “I’m fine” or the true answer? Which is frustrated, sad, angry, irritated and tired.”
I think there was a bit of surprise on their end when I answered honestly. And, for I second, I wanted to take my answer back but I think it’s better to be honest about feelings and emotions and value friends who appreciate that and listen.
It’s true though.
I don’t know about you, but this pandemic living is taking it’s toll on my mental health. I think it’s taking it’s toll on almost all of us in one way or another.
Even though we can go out to eat, and get our hair cut and nails done and have people over in our “social bubble” – there’s a lingering sense of sadness that I just can’t explain.
It makes NO SENSE. I’m LUCKY. I’m working. I’m healthy. I have NO REASON to be sad right now. So what gives? Why is it so hard to FEEL GOOD right now?
Maybe because we’re still living with an underlying fear.
Maybe it’s because we’re wearing masks everywhere we go, and standing on our assigned spot in the store, and talking to people through masks and plexi-glass and still can’t hug people when we want. We’re feeling disconnected and we’re tired of it. Maybe if we had a finish line. An end to this pandemic life. Then we would have something to look forward to.
It’s NOT having that date that makes it harder.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been through some hard “stuff” in my life. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger… blah blah blah”
But THIS pandemic has been especially tough. I feel it. I realize that THIS is really taking a toll on my mental health. All this time alone has left room for a lot of reflection on the past. It’s brought a lot of “stuff” to the surface again. It’s made you question and reflect. More than we’re necessarily comfortable doing.
Working from home has been a challenge. I miss co-workers and hallway conversations. Talking in the kitchen. Sharing life with other people.
I am a voice you hear on the radio, but I’m sitting in a room all day all by myself. I miss the connection of other people. It’s why I love when you post or comment, or send us text messages. It helps me not feel so alone.
So – knowing that it’s a struggle sometimes, I HAVE to push myself to get out there. Even if it feels uncomfortable and scary.
Last night I did a couple of outdoor classes.
The Studio offers group fitness for everyone, every level – and they are doing classes OUTDOORS right now.
I went to Zumba last night and danced like nobody was watching and it was AWESOME. I hope nobody was watching when it was over, because by the time that sixty minutes was up, I looked like an extra from the Walking Dead set. (That’s one way to guarantee people keep six feet apart. Scare the crap out of them. (smile)
This pandemic has been challenging in so many ways. But it’s a reminder that more than ever – we need to take care of ourselves. We need to take care of our bodies. Our health has never been more valuable or appreciated.
Keep taking care of your body. Keep taking care of your mental health. Keep doing things that help you FEEL GOOD!
Whether it’s dancing in the great outdoors, or writing in a journal, painting or doing something else that helps you FEEL GOOD.
Over the last few months, on Feel Good Friday, we’ve teamed up with the Canadian Mental Health Association to share things you can do to help yourself continue to FEEL GOOD – even through all of this.
Today – you are encouraged to READ.
Tags: Canadian Mental Health Association, Feel Good Friday, mental health, reading“Reading has been shown to put our brains into a state similar to meditation, and it brings the same health benefits of deep relaxation and inner calm. Individuals who read regularly tend to sleep better, have lower stress levels, higher self-esteem, and lower rates of depression. Reading 30 minutes every day has shown to have improvement on our stress levels, helps with sleep, and can help lessen feelings of isolation. Try setting aside time to read a book, magazine, article, or newspaper and see if it makes an improvement on your mental health and mood!”
Categorised in: Afternoons, Afternoons Fridays
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan