The View From Here – Do You Remember When You Heard The News?
August 31, 2020 2:19 pmIt still makes me cry. It was 23 years ago today that Princess Diana was killed tragically in that horrific crash in Paris. Do you remember where you were when you heard the news?
My husband and I were returning home from a “date night” when the news broke on the radio. I was stunned.
We got home and we were glued to the tv, trying to understand what was happening. In shock at the news. It couldn’t be true. She was just finding her freedom. She was just starting to be happy and enjoy life outside the palace walls. She had just found love again after Charles. After all the trials and tribulations, the heartaches and struggles and pain – she was finally getting her happy ending.
It couldn’t be.
23 years later I’m still feeling sad as I read about her and look at pictures.
Spend any amount of time online today, and you’ll go down that rabbit hole too.
It’s odd that we can grieve someone so deeply that we have never met, but so many of us followed Diana. We watched the fairy tale wedding. We watched Diana grow into the confident woman she was. We saw the compassion and kindness. She was an inspiration to the world. She did so much to change the world. She took on causes near and dear to her heart. She showed her support where others wouldn’t. She tried to lead with kindness and compassion. She brought warmth to the Royal family.
She was beautiful. She was brave. She had incredible style. She loved her boys fiercely and taught them life outside of the palace walls.
I think for so many people, we understood her pain. Of trying to fit in and failing. Of wanting to be loved.
She struggled with her mental health. She suffered from eating disorders. She was not without her flaws.
Through it we felt a connection.
23 years. Hard to believe.
I have continued to watch the story unfold. I’ve watched with the world as her boys grew up before our very eyes.
We watched them grow from boys to men. We watched them marry and start families of their own.
I wish I could hug them today and tell them I understand. The whole time I’ve been drawn to them because I too, lost my mom tragically, and when I was young. I know the never ending pain. I know the sadness that is always there, no matter what. I know what it’s like to miss the most important person in your life for a lifetime.
I think she would be so proud of her boys. They have the very best qualities of their mother.
Prince William and Prince Harry have issued a new statement about plans for a statue to commemorate their mother, Princess Diana. A statue of Diana will be installed in the garden of Kensington Palace next year on what would’ve been her 60th birthday. July 1, 2021.
In a statement, the Palace said – “The Princes hope that the statue will help all those who visit Kensington Palace to reflect on their mother’s life and her legacy,”
I imagine it will be amazing. Someday, I would love a chance to visit and see the statue and the Palace, and the place where Diana called home. Bucket list item for sure.
I hope she knows how loved she was and still is.
Still the Queen of our hearts.
Tags: Diana, People's Princess, Prince Harry, Prince William, Princess Diana, Queen of hearts, Royal Family, tragedy
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan