The View From Here – I Just Had The Scare Of My Life
August 5, 2020 3:08 pmI might be wearing a “Fierce. Focused. Fearless” workout top – but I sure didn’t feel any of those things this weekend.
I had the scare of my life on Sunday afternoon. I’m not even being dramatic.
Walking the trails in Canatara Park. Feeling like I was on an incredible soul-searching adventure, just like Reese Witherspoon in “Wild”.
Without the backpack and extreme measures. (smile)
I was out of the house. I was taking time for ME, just like we’re told to do. The weather was perfect. The trails are never disappointing.
This time? I ran away, shaking, and afraid for my life. (This might be a slight exaggeration for dramatic effect).
A beautiful day for a walk on the trails. Getting my Fitbit steps in so I can at least look like I TRIED in the latest challenge I was invited to.
It started out really nice. Lots of others out as well. A few smiles, waves and hellos between strangers.
I saw a crane. Or maybe it was a heron. I’m not that good with birds. It was beautiful and majestic, standing at the edge of the water. Lots of dragonflies. A chipmunk, and so many butterflies.
I made my way through the park and then decided I was still feeling good and wanted to keep going. So I ventured out through the grassy area trails, in behind the bike ramps. I didn’t even have my phone out for pictures. I was just soaking it all in, enjoying the day.
Then IT happened.
Something I have NEVER EVER EVER experienced before in my life and something I hope I never have to experience again.
I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I had just climbed one of the hills. Feeling so accomplished. Usually I’m with my 17-year-old and she’s encouraging me and offering help if her “old mother” needs it. (smile).
I turned, looking for someone else walking or biking. Nope.
It wasn’t a person. It happened so fast – but what I’m pretty sure was a COYOTOE – running through the grass to my left.
And it sure wasn’t like any cute cartoon Coyote we might have grown up watching. I was FROZEN in fear. I had never ever encountered anything like that in all the times I’d walked the trails. Maybe it’s because I was alone? And it was quiet?
I tried to think “What do I do?” I looked around for a place to run to. I couldn’t SEE anything. That was the problem. I saw the direction the coyote ran in, but it disappeared in the tall grass. If I kept walking, would he come in that direction? I sure didn’t want to walk towards him. I thought about calling my husband then, but was afraid of making noise.
It’s one of those moments in time you just never forget. My heart was racing.
What does one do when they encounter a coyote?
I saw a clear path and ran to it. Then stopped – thinking, probably not smart to run – even though I wanted to get the heck out of there as fast as I could.
I called my husband as soon as I got out of the trails.
I couldn’t stop shaking for the longest time as I fought my way back to where I had parked my car.
So I guess my days of “being one with nature” are behind me – at least for a while.
Tags: adventure, Canatara Park, coyotes, experienc, Sarnia, scary, staycations, trails, Wild, wild lifeCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan