The View From Here – Checking In
September 29, 2020 3:16 pmIt’s “Coffee Day”. So let’s sit. Let’s have a coffee (or beverage of choice) and chat. You know, like we used to? Before #covid19 made it almost impossible.
I don’t remember the last time I went out for coffee with a friend. It’s been a long time.
So today, right now, let’s have a coffee break together.
I’ve got my coffee. I’ve got a few cinnamon sugar mini-donuts. Let’s talk.
What’s on your mind? How are you feeling right now?
Exhausted from all the negativity online? I am. It’s a dark place with lots of opinions.
My dad is going for surgery on Friday and I can’t be there. Only my second mom is allowed in. The day AFTER. Thank you covid (sarcasm). If I’m distracted this week – you now know why. I hate that we can’t be together as a family while we wait. And that’s how it is for anyone right now. It sucks and it’s hard.
I forgot to wear a mask in a store last week. I was more afraid of people’s reaction than of covid. #truth
It was a rush into a store for something my daughter needed for a school art project and I completely forgot. In the moment – it was normal life. And than I felt the panic when I realized I had forgotten.
We are all tired.
Tired of the negative.
Tired of the headlines.
Tired of not being able to get together.
Tired of seeing all the things we look forward to get cancelled – one right after the other.
No Christmas parades.
No New Years in Times Square in New York.
Hard to stay positive, right?
At the same time – if you’re still alive in the world and you are healthy and your family and friends are healthy – there is a lot to be thankful for. Despite everything else.
Nope, it’s not the same.
I just wish we could get back to that place where we felt we were in this together. Because that’s what will help us through this. So we can get back to the way it was.
Where we can sit in coffee shops and other places freely.
And really enjoy our coffee. And each other.
Tags: coffee, coffee day, covid19, mental health, negative world, stay positive
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan