The View From Here – It’s Changed And It’s A Little Awkward And Uncomfortable
September 18, 2020 1:48 pmI’d be lying if I said I was comfortable right now.
Back in studio today and I am a nervous wreck. I’ve got butterflies. I feel awkward and uncomfortable and unsure of what I’m doing. Seriously. Which is so strange considering I’ve worked in radio for nearly 30 years. I’ve worked at a number of different stations, different dayparts, and I’ve used different boards and equipment.
I got used to working at home with our remote equipment. I got to used to the noises around me. The kids at home. The cat that would come in every afternoon at three for a cuddle.
I got used to my make shift work space.
Being back in studio feels unfamiliar.
I am out of routine. The sound is different. The building is quiet. Not like it used to be. So many people are still working from home.
What is your office like right now?
Are you still at home? Are you back to work feeling awkward like me?
Would love to know what life is like for you and how you are adjusting.
Send me something – please – so I don’t feel so alone right now. (smile)
Tags: #covidelife, back to work, Covid-19, radio, radio station, working from home
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan