The View From Here – Remember To Breathe
September 14, 2020 2:06 pmOh my.
The school year has commenced. But not without a lot of stress and frustration, and a touch of sadness. It’s a milestone year for our family and it has nothing to do with the pandemic.
Through this pandemic world – with masks, sanitizer, hand washing, social distancing, assigned seating on buses – it’s a big year for my kids. Or for me.
My oldest daughter is finishing high school this year. I’m not ready to accept that as a parent. It means at the end of the school year she could be headed off to college or university, and that could mean out of the house. GASP. I am not ready for that. Not ready for her to leave home. But I know it’s coming sooner than I’d like. Whether I’m ready for it or not.
My youngest daughter – our baby – started high school today. Big changes. Big adjustments. Scary on a regular school day. Isn’t it hard to see our kids go through uncomfortable stuff? You want to take it all away. Save them from all of it. Knowing they have to go through it on their own doesn’t make it easier to watch.
I told her she has it good. She doesn’t have to worry about running from locker to class four times a day. She doesn’t have to worry about opening her locker in a hurry. Forgetting the combination. She has one class. No lockers. I’m trying to find the positive in the situation. (smile)
I know it’s hard on our kids (and teachers) being stuck in the same room all day. But as someone who got lost multiple times on her first day of high school, had trouble opening her locker AND almost missed the bus – yep. She might have it a bit easier.
Anybody else remember their first day of high school? Yep. Shivers. (smile)
It was a bumpy start to the school year it’s true. Delayed starts. Staggered entry. This past week was a 12 on the stress scale. Trying to figure everything out.
Thank you teachers. Thank you school staff. It’s been a LOT to work through and sort out. And even through all the bumps – we made it.
This is one for the history books. It’s never been done before. Our kids will have a better story to tell their grandkids than our “I walked to school, uphill, both ways, in the snow” stories. (smile)
Which I kinda did. I did walk to school in grade seven and eight actually. It was a good 40 minute walk too. I live to tell the tale. (smile).
I get that it’s been challenging and we aren’t out of the woods yet. But I remain hopeful. That we will get back to normal and be stronger for it.
At least my closets will be cleaned and organized.
Anybody else watching “Get Organized with The Home Edit” on Netflix right now?
I’m addicted. I’m totally hooked.
Two ladies – come in and transform living spaces.
Kitchens. Pantries. Fridges and freezers. Closets. Basements.
They create zones and put things in their place in a lovely rainbow pattern. It’s mesmerizing and inspiring to watch.
So much so that I attempted my own “home edit” this weekend. It drove everyone else in my house crazy. I think they wished I would just sit and relax. Instead, I was on a mission to clean and organize EVERYTHING – I think it took my mind off the back to school chaos. No schedule for my oldest online learning. My youngest – worried about starting a new school in a pandemic. Assigned seating. Uniforms. Which – by the way – I learned to HEM pants for the very first time. Yes, I cheated by using the hemming tape. But I had to go buy an iron to do it. And thank goodness for the internet – there really is a how to for everything on YouTube.
So yes, it’s been an organized, chaotic mess in my house these last few days. Thankfully for that there is chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. And stretchy pants. See, there is always, always something to be thankful for. (smile)
I hope it’s been a good back to school experience for you and your kids are loving the experience however that looks.
I’m still working from home, sharing my office space with my daughter. Maybe I’ll learn some new skills. Maybe she’ll put away some dishes between classes.
Tags: back to school, back to school 2020, covd-19, Get Organized with The Home Edit, Netflix, The Home Edit
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan