The View From Here – What Do You Wish You Learned?
September 30, 2020 3:06 pmWhen Covid-19 first hit, and we were spending a whole lot of time at home, I was sure I was going to learn something new.
I was going to have all kinds of time to do “those things” I never had time to do before.
The only thing I learned was I am really good at procrastination. (smile)
I mean A+. I am really good at putting things off and avoiding things. Like cleaning and organizing my pictures in my scrapbook room. Like actually MAKING the scrapbooks I buy all the stickers, books and printed pictures for. (sigh)
Something I’ve been thinking of doing lately though? Knitting.
I shared this a little while ago. And believe me, I laughed when I said it. My kids said “are you a gramma?” with a laugh.
I haven’t learned yet , but maybe with the colder weather moving in, and after seeing former First Lady Michelle Obama on the Rachael Ray show, I might want to legitimately do it.
In an appearance on the Rachael Ray Show, former First Lady Michelle Obama revealed that she picked up a new hobby during the pandemic: knitting. She says over the course of this quarantine she has knitted a blanket, five scarves, three halter tops, a couple hate for Barack and she just finished her first pair of mittens for Malia. Adding one is twice as big as the other.
She even joined an online knitting community (using a fake name) for tips and tricks, and how-to’s.
Do I really need to start something new when I don’t have the time to do the other things I thought I might do. Nope.
Do I even know how to knit? Nope.
I was taught when I was really young. My grandmother knitted all the time. We always had a new pair of slippers or mittens. My mom knit, I remember a big chunky knit sweater when we were at that “everything homemade is embarrassing” stage in life. Though now I would give anything to have one of her homemade sweaters.
She made me a blanket for my bed, that has been passed down to both my daughters.
I think of stuff like that as “made with love”. An expression my mom used for everything. I love that you can sit and create something special that you can keep or give to someone else.
I’m guessing with my abilities at this point I will be keeping a lot of those “first” projects to myself just to save myself the embarrassment. (smile)
What is something, if anything, you would like to learn or have learned?
I figure, once upon a time, I was afraid to pump my own gas. If I can learn to do that myself and get over that irrational fear – I can buy some needles and some wool and learn to make something. Like a really, really, long scarf. You can’t screw that up, can you? (smile)
Tags: 80's sweaters, covid, former First Lady Michelle Obama, hobbies, knitting, knitting patterns, learn to knit, made with love, Michelle Obama, pandemic, quarantine, skillsCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan