The View From Here – Checking In
October 28, 2020 3:28 pmHow are you doing? I mean REALLY doing?
I was asked that question this morning and I asked “Do you want the honest answer or the generic “I’m fine” that everyone likes to give when asked because it’s easier.
It’s almost been seven months of working from home and I’m feeling really tired this week.
I need a nap. One that lasts til this whole covid mess blows over.
I don’t know if it’s the fall weather that has moved in. Lack of sunshine. Cooler temperatures. Being cooped up inside more than ever.
But I am feeling really sad right now.
I thought changing my hair colour would give me the “boost” I was lacking. Nope.
On Tuesday my entire diet consisted of different forms of carbs. That surprisingly didn’t help either. It’s not a proud moment when you’re hiding your eating habits from your kids. (smile). Eating icing out of the container was not my finest hour.
I’m having a hard time focusing on anything right now.
Working from home makes it easy to get distracted. It’s easy to show up late. It’s easy to not get dressed for the job.
It’s easy to get lazy. It’s easy to “accidentally” turn on The Young and the Restless during your lunch break and see the latest drama in Genoa City. (smile). It hasn’t changed much and I may have gotten my daughter hooked as well. #sorrynotsorry
I’m having a hard time wanting to do much of anything that requires any effort. Like dressing for work.
Todays’ fashion selection could be described as “I was hoping nobody would SEE me.” (smile) My daughter’s would both roll their eyes if they saw today’s “fit”. Grey on grey on grey. #mood
This pandemic is dragging on and it’s effecting us in so many ways. I wish my waistline wasn’t effected as much. Truth. I don’t remember the last time I put on “real” clothes. Is that bad? Comfy clothes and workout clothes seem to rule the day.
I’m indirectly learning math and law from my daughter’s online classes. Today was a bit of a break with “meditation”. The importance of sleep was brought up in her class. I told her I was going to crash the class. She said sure “You learn about sleep. I’m going to take a fat nap.” I’m not sure she was kidding.
It’s been a learning curve for everyone, that’s for sure.
One of those events in time we will never forget. I apologize in advance to my future grandbabies who will forever hear the stories of how we had to wear masks and social distance and beg for toilet paper. (smile)
I hope you are doing okay. I hope you are still smiling and finding something to be thankful for. Like the box of Halloween candy just begging to be opened to “check” it’s okay for consumption.
Tags: covid, covidlife, fall, mental health, mental health awareness, pandemic, SAD, Seasonal affective disorder
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan