The View From Here – Thankful
October 8, 2020 3:51 pmMaybe you feel like you have to fight to find something to be thankful for this year.
It’s certainly been challenging. But don’t stop fighting and reminding yourself of all that remains good. Even through the dark days.
This time of year is a reminder to be thankful. I think it becomes more important to me every single year. The older I get, the more I appreciate what I have, and the more I appreciate still being here to celebrate another year.
Thanksgiving was always a big celebration in our house growing up.
It always was about family. It always meant we had to clean up the house “for company.” Now that I’m older, and a parent myself, I think it was really about finally getting us kids to do something. (smile).
I think of my mom this time of year – for a few reasons.
First – she made every holiday so special. Always a table full of family. Always delicious food. And us kids usually had a hand in making it. At Christmas we made cookies. Thanksgiving we sat around the table and broke the bread into pieces for the stuffing.
I remember it so clearly.
I remember sitting at the table with the loaf of bread, breaking into small pieces for the stuffing I didn’t even like to eat, as mom worked her way around the kitchen doing other things. It’s a big deal preparing the holiday feast.
Four kids in my family. We talked, we laughed, we giggled, we fought, we complained, even though we secretly loved doing it.
Every year since, when I break the bread into crumbs for stuffing I remember those days, and smile.
It’s been thirty years since my mom, brother and sister passed away. I miss those days, but I have learned to make my mom’s famous stuffing recipe.
“Sage is key!”
Oh how I miss her this time of year. What I would give to have another Thanksgiving meal with her. Losing those you love sure makes you appreciate those you have left. You want to keep them close.
I know that a lot of families are upset and angry and sad that they can’t be together with their friends and family this year. Thanksgiving is just one more thing taken away. And it sure isn’t the same chatting over a Zoom call, but I would rather miss one thanksgiving dinner with my dad, than a lifetime missing him. He just got home after having surgery on Friday and because of covid rules – we can’t see him. For at least two weeks while nurses come to take care of him and help him heal and recover. But I can be thankful he’s home.
I know, it’s a struggle this year. We’ve lost a lot. We’ve dealt with a lot of changes. And there’s no sign of it ending anytime soon.
But I have my turkey, and my bread crumbs are ready to go for “mom’s famous stuffing”. I’ll make a pumpkin pie, wearing my mom’s apron and I will do my best to make this weekend special for my family.
And another reason to be thankful and remember my mom – it’s my birthday on Saturday! My birthday almost every year falls on Thanksgiving weekend. As long as I can remember it’s been shared with a turkey and pumpkin pie. Which just makes it extra special I guess.
Every Thanksgiving is a reminder of what I am thankful for in my life, and a reminder of my mom – who brought me into this world and made me who I am today. Who taught me how to make a meal special. How important family is. The importance of loving life. Laughing, and dancing and making fun of yourself. Standing up for yourself. Believing in yourself. My birthday to me is better than January 1st. It’s about reflecting on life. What I’ve been through. What I’ve overcome. What I’ve done – even if done afraid. It’s a celebration of so much and I enjoy it all. I LOVE celebrating my birthday.
I am so thankful for so many things this Thanksgiving.
My dad. My family. Food on the table. A workplace that is allowing me to work from home, keeping us all safe. Friends that support and love and care.
Schitt’s Creek Season Six now available on Netflix (smile).
Campfires and falling leaves.
Crisp air.
Good hair days. (smile)
Pumpkin pie.
Whipped cream to cover the pumpkin pie. (smile)
There is always something to be thankful for. Don’t let the negative around you make you forget that.
Tags: food, stuffing, thankful, Thanksgiving
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan