The View From Here – Feel Good Friday Vibes
November 6, 2020 3:49 pmAnybody else “election’d out?”
I saw a meme that said “welcome to day three of election day”. It’s easy to get caught up in the headlines and even easier to get caught up in the online comments that make you question the world we live in. So much division. So much anger and sadness.
Today’s Feel Good Friday we shared the importance of unplugging. And I think in the world right now that might be more important than ever
A global pandemic. U.S. presidential election coverage. It’s exhausting if you get sucked in.
I find myself spending way too much time scrolling social media. Reading the comments about all that is happening in the world. People quick to attack others for having an opinion. It leaves me feeling sad and emotionally tired.
So maybe this weekend I will be taking a break from all of it. Going back to Schitt’s Creek for a third time and re-watching every episode. I started watching again last night. My husband laughs but there is something so positive and encouraging about the show. The characters are loveable and quirky and funny. It’s such a great escape. And by the looks of it, I’m not alone in my comfort-watching.
How do you “unplug”? How do you silence the negative noise all around? How do you stay focused on what feels good when it feels overwhelming?
Positive people.
Tonight I will surround myself in a socially distanced pandemic living way by amazing people at a Zumba class and dance to the music like nobody’s watching to shake off the negative vibes from the week. I will probably eat something indulgent and stay in my pj’s most of the weekend if I choose. Maybe have a nap.
I will do my best to unplug from my devices whose dings of notifications will try to draw me in.
And if you really want an excuse to step away from your devices and in particular – social media – watch this.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan