The View From Here – World Happiness Day “NO Bad Vibes”
November 13, 2020 3:27 pmIt’s World Kindness Day. I threw on my “NO Bad Vibes” shirt to remind myself that even if it’s hard, and I don’t feel “happy” we can change the mood.
I think we need a good dose of happy right now. I think more than ever, we need something good to focus on.
How are you fighting the negative? How are you fighting back on what doesn’t feel so happy right now?
My kids put on a few Christmas movies last night. We watched “Home Alone” and “A Christmas Carol”. This morning they were playing a few Christmas songs through the house as we worked. Them on their school work, me on my radio show.
Normally, I say “wait til December” before we get out the holiday stuff. But this year, we need something to be excited about.
How are you doing?
REALLY doing?
Anybody else feeling really sad right now and a bit overwhelmed? Fighting hard against the bad vibes? Yep. Same, girl same.
I think of myself as a positive person, but these days it’s a struggle. I’ve been tuning out the world more and more re-watching Schitt’s Creek for the third time. It gets better every time you watch it. “Ewww David”. It’s “simply the best” show for all the best reasons. You want a does of happy? You’ll get it there.
I miss people. I miss hugging my friends.
I’ve gone to church now. In the building. And to a Zumba class. Both times, social distance measures in place.
I don’t know about you, but I feel MORE alone in those settings than I do sitting at home by myself all day. To be around people that you care about and not be able to be close or offer a hug to someone is hard.
I’ve had days I’ve had to push myself to shower and get dressed. Actually WRITING it on my to do list to inspire me to go through with it. I never imagined I would still be working from home.
I think we need more than ever to remember kindness.
This pandemic has effected each and everyone of us in different ways. Each of us feel it different. Each of us have different ideas of how it should be handled. I see it online and it’s hard to see people react so harshly to others.
Remember kindness.
I spent yesterday feeling down and feeling a bit sorry for myself. Missing people. Scared to see the numbers around us climb. Realizing this is far from over.
Today, I made myself a sugar sandwich and a cup of tea, using my gramma’s teapot. Something I realize isn’t a smart food choice. But it took me back to childhood. When I was young, we would walk home from school for lunch. My gramma would be there, with a sugar sandwich. Or tea biscuits and jam. And a cup of tea. Which was usually more milk than anything. But I love the feeling I get when I repeat it. I still have her teapot, even though she’s been gone for so long. Comfort. In a world determined to take that away.
It’s hard. So hard. The thought of more restrictions makes me want to cry. I haven’t seen my dad since January. This daddy’s girl misses her daddy. And to be honest, I wouldn’t mind sitting at his kitchen table and letting him be my dad again. Feeling taken care of and safe.
We need to remember kindness. Even more so when we don’t feel it.
We need to remember that despite our differences and how we each feel we are still in this together.
And if we remember kindness, it will be that much easier to get through it.
Tags: covid life, depression, kindness world kindness day, SAD, Seasonal affective disorder, working from home
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan