The View From Here – It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
December 14, 2020 4:20 pmThis weekend, as planned, we got our tree! Which wasn’t easy. Trees are hard to find right now. It seems in this pandemic world, people are looking for something to bring them joy, and with more and more people having to give up holiday travel, we’re putting up trees and lights to make up for it.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the lights up all over this area. It’s amazing and brings such a smile to my face and so many others. For those who put up lights, clearing store shelves, THANK YOU.
We need it. It’s been a really tough year. We need Christmas right now.
We need lights and decorations, and toy trains.
We need something to look forward to and smile about.
I was hoping to go cut down our tree this year. In the end it was just easier to drive to the grocery store and pick out one of the four trees that were left.
It was a pretty small tree. I was feeling the spirit of Charlie Brown as my husband threw it in the car to bring it home. I jokingly said “If it was any smaller it would be a house plant.”
But just like the Peanuts gang did for Charlie Brown in the classic Christmas movie, we strung the lights, and added the decorations and before you knew it – it was beautiful. And it was ours. Maybe it just needed a little love. (smile)
I baked some Christmas cookies this weekend. I threw on some holiday music, including my favourite – Snoopy’s Christmas – and got to work. My son lives in Calgary and won’t be able to come home this Christmas so we are sending some “home” to him this Christmas. If you are sending any parcels this holiday – check with Canada Post – so you get them shipped on time for delivery.
Nope. Christmas does NOT look the same this year. But I refuse to let a pandemic take away my love for the holidays.
I hope you do the same. However Christmas looks for you, I hope you make it your own and find the joy the holidays bring no matter the sadness in the world around us.
Tour the lights.
Bake some cookies. Eat the cookies. (smile)
Listen to your favourite songs.
Watch your favourite holiday movies.
Send those Christmas cards.
For a weekend, my house was filled with the magic of Christmas and it was nice to only focus on decorating a tree and baking cookies. And not on what was missing.
What are you doing to keep the spirit of the holidays?
Tags: baking, Christmas, cookies, decorating, magic of Christmas, tree
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan