The View From Here – Blue Monday
January 18, 2021 1:33 pmIf you’ve been online today you might see lots of references to today being “Blue Monday”.
January’s third Monday, “Blue Monday”, is thought to be the most depressing day of the year. There are no actual scientific studies to back it up. It’s pretty much something that started as a PR stunt to sell vacations. It’s a calculation based on things like the gloomy weather, debt, failed new year’s resolutions, and general doom and gloom.
Experts say mental health “good and bad” days are individual to each of us. And the past few months have been especially challenging. There’s been a lot of Blue Mondays. And Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thursdays. Fridays. Saturdays. Sundays too. Every day of the week brings some sadness.
According to THIS it’s nothing but a PR stunt created by a travel company to sell more vacations and to inspire people to do something. There is no science to it. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t feeling some sort of “winter blues”. The Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton Kent reminds us to take care of ourselves.
“Winter blues are a real thing, 15% of the population in Ontario has experienced the winter blues, which includes things like changes in appetite and low mood…but there are lots of things you can do to get through the winter season in a healthy way.
💪Take care of your physical health: regular exercise can help you feel less stressed and eating healthy can increase your energy
☀️Get some sunlight: vitamin D deficiency can be a problem in the winter, try to get outdoors during the day!
💆Practice self-care: anything that’s healthy and brings you joy!
I am all for that. So let’s try to prove “those” people wrong.
Blue Monday? I refuse to accept it. Instead I am doing whatever I can to make it a happy Monday.
I’m working from home in the comfort of my pajamas today. I’m not even kidding. In my Duran Duran t-shirt and favourite hoodie. I may have had Oreo cookies for lunch. Rebel that I am.
Blue Monday. What Blue Monday? It’s only Blue if you let it.
Now more than ever we need to really pay attention to how we are feeling. I’m trying really hard to stay focused on the good. I’m trying really hard to not think about all that I’m missing and can’t do. Because if I do that and get stuck in that spot – it won’t be good and I won’t be okay.
Pick your favourite colour and let’s shake the dust off this so called Blue Monday and reclaim it as a happier day. Purple Monday? Sure.
What are you doing to “shake the blues” today?
Maybe play some Taylor Swift “Shake It Off” or other favourite feel good song. My go-to will always be Duran Duran. Their music ALWAYS makes me smile and feel better.
I can take your requests – text us using the A1Security Textline – 519-464-1999 or send me an email ANYTIME
Tags: #covidelife, Blue Monday, Duran Duran, feel good, lockdown, mood, music, pandemic, SAD, Seasonal affective disorder
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan