The View From Here – Happy New Year?
January 4, 2021 3:49 pmI use a question mark because as much as I love the feeling of starting fresh in a New Year, we start the new year in a lockdown in a global pandemic and I’m not sure where the “happy” fits in yet.
This is where someone says “It can’t get worse.”
Or maybe something like “It can only get better from here.”
Here’s hoping. Fingers and toes crossed.
I usually get very excited about a new year. New possibilities. New dreams. New adventures.
I think we’re walking into 2021 very quietly. On tip toe.
I listened to a song this morning about being positive. Making your own sunshine. I’m trying.
What are you hoping for this year? What do you want to do different? What changes are you wanting to see?
Are you a resolution maker?
I don’t think I make resolutions. I make a list of intentions. Almost like a list of things to do. A reminder of what I need to work on or improve.
Not reading online comments is near the top because guarding yourself from all the negativity and judgement should be a priority for all of us. It’s damaging. It’s exhausting. I don’t like it.
Other intentions for the new year –
Budget. Maybe LEARN to budget. Learn to say NO to “add to cart” (smile)
Exercise daily. Most of the time. (ha)
Eat your veggies.
Drink lots of water. The uncaffeinated kind.
Remember how to like people again. I’m not even kidding.
These last few weeks of staying at home over Christmas vacation has been nice. Days spent in pajamas. Binge watching Criminal Minds and God Friended Me. I’ve caught up on Grey’s Anatomy finally and am still not okay. Message me. Seriously. I need a shoulder to cry on. It wrecks me. But in such a good way.
And something else I started was letting go of the clutter. This weekend I watched The Minimalists: Less Is Now on Netflix and it was just what I needed to get brave and throw away all those boxes of things I have been hanging onto. For nostalgia, memories, for “someday”. If it’s sat unopened for 20 years, there’s a good chance I don’t need it. Was it easy?
Multiple times through the weekend as I worked away, my husband asked “Are you okay?” (smile).
I’m a memory girl. I keep EVERYTHING. I have a hard time letting go of anything that reminds me of someone. Especially if they are no longer with us.
My home office/ scrapbook room has been so cluttered. And to let go of some of those sentimental dust collectors was huge.
I challenge you to do the same and let go of some of that stuff that is taking up space in your home. It feels so good.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan