The View From Here – It’s Been One Year
January 25, 2021 1:27 pmIt’s hard to believe it’s been one year since that first covid case in Canada. A year ago things were still normal. We were watching what was happening in China as spectators. It hadn’t affected us yet.
Fast forward to March. We had been dealing with teacher strikes. Kids out of class for a day. We felt that frustration. We were worried about their education. How our kids would be effected if teachers went on strike. Remember that?
Then began the longest March Break in history for our kids. They were sent home and never went back until September.
The day BEFORE the lockdown, the Fox staff had picture day. Together. In the parking lot.
We haven’t worked together in that building since that day. How strange is that?
Seems so long ago. Never thought I could miss people so much.
When you look back, it’s hard to imagine we would still be here now. Worse than we were before. That first lock down was scary. Sarnia was a ghost town in the daytime when normally it was busy with traffic and people.
Parking lots empty. Streets empty. Signs up in windows “Thank you health care workers” “Stay safe”
We almost embraced the break from the fast paced world. We enjoyed time together as a family. Board games and puzzles were popular again and hard to find.
We embraced our social bubble when it was allowed. Making the most of every conversation with those we loved. We found unique ways to share celebrations with zoom calls and drive by parades. We got used to lines and standing six feet apart. Wearing masks everywhere. Trying to understand each other through a layer of plexiglass that separated us everywhere we went.
One by one, all our events were cancelled or postponed. Live shows and concerts a thing of the past. No new movies or tv shows as everything got shut down. No broadway shows. No big events. We moved online. With Zoom meetings and concerts and sometimes workouts.
Curbside delivery was a new thing to get used. The first time I ever ordered plants for my garden without being able to wander the greenhouse and take in the atmosphere and browse and touch.
We saw things start to open up and it was bizarre to be able to walk into a store again, or sit at a restaurant patio table.
We’re back in lockdown and following the stay at home order as best we can. No visits. No gatherings. Staying home. Only going out for essentials. This weekend I was out for groceries and had to pick up some shampoo and conditioner and ended up with a box of cheap hair dye and a new colour of nail polish, and again, I apologized to the cashier. “Maybe not so essential” I said, pointing to the polish and the hair colour. She smiled and said “Whatever makes you feel good right now, IS essential.” I was so grateful for that smile, and that reassurance and reminder that taking care of our mental health right now is more important than it ever has been.
Today, as I thought back on the year, and all we have been through – I made sure to focus more on myself. I made sure I got my morning exercise in to get the day started. I made myself get dressed for my workday. I put on my makeup and did my hair. I painted my nails. It is so important that you do things for yourself every single day that make you feel good. Now more than ever.
Whatever routine you used to have, keep doing it as much as possible. Get up. Get dressed. Colour your hair. Paint your nails. Do something every day that will help you get through it.
I listened in on my grade 12 daughter’s class today. They had a special guest from a local agency speak to them about just how important it is to pay attention to how you are feeling, because mental health right now NEEDS to be a priority. Be aware of how you are feeling. And make sure you are doing things every day to help you with the stress and anxiety you might be feeling. I am thankful our schools care about our kids and their mental health and bring in someone to help them. I am thankful my workplace helps us as well. We have conversations about how we are feeling, and I know that if I need to walk away from my desk during the day at any time, I can, if that’s what I need to do. If I need to hop in the car and go for a drive around the block, or just leave the room to break down and cry – I am so lucky I can do that.
This pandemic is HARD on all of us. We are all feeling it in one way or another and all affected by it differently as well.
To think back in March, we were hopeful this would be behind us by summer. Sigh.
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? We’re all feeling hulk like strength right about now.
We’re tired. Frustrated. Angry. Sad. Disappointed. Discouraged. And it’s all okay. I feel like we go through all the emotions each and every day. Holding our breath. Hoping tomorrow is better. Hoping tomorrow is a day closer to this all being over.
We’re getting there.
We’re getting through it.
Today I challenge you to do something for YOU. Something that brings a smile to your face and makes you happy. I’m going to try a new recipe and make some healthier snack options.
I’m going to have a dance party in my scrapbook room/ home office this afternoon between 2 and 6 and hope you will join me. Seriously. Join in. I don’t like to dance alone.
I’m going to eat peanut butter out of the jar and possibly watch another episode of Schitt’s Creek later.
Keep taking care of yourself.
If you want to connect with me – send me an email anytime to cbuchanan@blackburnradio.com
Tags: aniiversary, lockdown, mental health, mental health awareness, one year, pandemic
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan