Can We Have ALL Work Meetings Like This?
February 10, 2021 2:45 pmI really want to use a cat filter for my next work meeting because this looks like fun. Maybe not for the lawyer who showed up to court as a cat. (smile)
There’s a reason “cat lawyer” is trending. Attorney Rod Ponton showed up to court by video conference on Zoom – as a CAT!
As he says in the clip “I’m really here. I’m not a cat”. It’s true. It was a Zoom filter that made him look like a cute and fluffy white kitten.
The short video clip, which was shared online by the judge, who said “These fun moments are a by-product of the legal profession’s dedication to ensuring that the justice system continues to function in these tough times. Everyone involved handled it with dignity, and the filtered lawyer showed incredible grace. True professionalism all around!”
Rod Ponton says he’s taking calls from all over the world and has been booked for national television. He says – “I always wanted to be famous for being a great lawyer. Now I’m famous for appearing in court as a cat,”
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan