Giant Snow Maze
February 24, 2021 4:27 pmThis gives me anxiety. Seriously. I would never venture into any sort of maze by myself for fear I would never find the exit. We go to Korny Korners every year and my daughters pretty much have to hold my hand to lead me through it. I think things like “would they bring in a plane or helicopter to look for me from above?” “how long do they wait for you to not come out before they start looking for you?”
Manitoba is home to the world’s largest snow maze — and due to pandemic safety protocol, it’s now bigger than ever.
“A Maze In Corn” in St. Adolphe, Manitoba, which earned a Guinness world record in 2019 for its unprecedented size, re-opened last weekend with a major renovation: its owners expanded the winter wonderland by 91 per cent, nearly doubling the maze in size.
The upgrade puts it at 240,000 feet, leaving plenty of room for Manitoba residents to stay six feet apart from others within the outdoor venue.
And if you’re afraid of getting lost -you can look at the oh so handy aerial shots from your phone while navigating the dead ends, twists and turns.
Would you do this?
Tags: A Maze in Corn, Guiness world record, Manitoba, snow, snow mazeCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan