The View From Here – I Took A Mental Health Day
February 2, 2021 1:30 pmYesterday I took a “mental health day” and I don’t mind sharing.
You know the expression, “the straw that broke the camels back”? I think I found the straw this weekend and I just felt so much anxiety that I couldn’t shake.
It’s the constant fear and worry of a virus. It’s the precautions and rules and restrictions we’re constantly following. It’s making sure my kids “go” to school. And I’ll be honest, there’s been days my youngest has been late or just uninterested. At first, I was on her to show up, be responsible, no excuses, get the work done. But honestly, as much as we want our kids to be responsible and show up on time and do what is asked, we ALSO have to pay attention to how they are dealing with all of this. It’s a LOT on their plates. What is the balance that works in your house? Because it is really hard to put your food down and make your kids show up every day, when you know they are just sad and need a mental health day too.
Ultimately, I think our kids mental health is way more important than being on time or finishing every assignment. Which is something I never EVER thought I would say. This is so hard on our kids and it’s hard on us trying to be strong for our kids and keep everything running the way it should.
We aren’t meant to do all of this and keep a smile on our faces and keep it all together. It’s too much and we’re EXHAUSTED. Mentally, emotionally and physically.
It’s working from home and missing everyone. It’s not having that place to GO every day.
It’s not being able to do regular things. It’s going to the grocery store or a few extra trips out to get things and feeling bad for doing so or feeling like maybe this is the time you catch this stupid virus that you hope and pray will be like the flu and nothing worse.
It’s talking to someone and feeling so incredibly sad that you can’t see them or hug them or be in the same room with them.
It’s seeing your kids struggle to stick to routine and miss their friends.
And on top of it, you’re still trying to keep your house clean, laundry done, figure out what’s for dinner and make sure the bills are paid. And then something unexpected happens and it becomes too much.
And it’s totally okay to set your limits and realize when you need a break. A mental health day. To give yourself a minute to catch your breath and reset and recharge.
Pay attention to how you feel. When I’m tossing and turning and losing sleep, and my thoughts won’t stop and I feel like I’m drowning – I know I need a break.
Yesterday I needed to just stop. I needed to not be at work and not be a forced smile or laugh with you in the afternoon. I needed to not keep pushing to make myself think “it’s all okay, everything’s fine.” I needed to stop and recognize that it all feels too much and ask for help and ask for a break. So I did. And I know I’m better for it.
My kids and I like to go for drives. My youngest calls it her “therapy”. We get in the car and just drive. We turn up the radio and sing along with the songs. We talk about whatever comes to mind. We laugh. And it helps.
Find your therapy. Find what works for you that will help you get through this challenging time. My therapy is usually a big scoop of peanut butter right out of the jar, but my waistline thinks I should find a new therapy. I will watch episode after episode of Schitt’s Creek. Almost done the third round of the six season show. Yep, it’s THAT GOOD.
Never EVER be afraid to take a Mental Health Day and NEVER EVER be afraid to reach out for help. The CMHA-Lambton Kent is here and they offer a number of programs and services to help you or someone you know.
Tags: Canadian Mental Health Association, car rides, driving, mental health, Mental Health Day, singing, therapyCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan