The View From Here – Made With Love
February 23, 2021 1:42 pmI know winter is long and we’re just anxious for spring and warmer weather, but winter is my favourite season when it comes to cooking.
I find comfort foods the best and there seems to be so many more options.
Today I dug out an old recipe my mom used to make – Meatloaf Pinwheel. It may have been one of the only things she made that we all liked. I’m such a picky eater. I turned up my nose at almost everything. Now that I have picky eaters in my house I know what she went through and how frustrated she must have been. Sorry mom. Now I know how hard it is to put dinner on the table every single night, knowing that someone is always going to hate it or be tired of eating it. The struggle is real.
It’s always a challenge coming up with some sort of meal plan that everyone likes. I love meatloaf. Never used to as a kid but I sure do appreciate it as an adult.
Meatloaf gets a bad wrap. People make fun of it. Nobody ever asks for it. I think it’s comfort food at it’s best. I usually make it with a yummy sauce on top. Occasionally, if I’m feeling ambitious, will throw in some finely chopped veggies.
Today I decided to go way back with an old recipe my mom used to make. It comes from her old recipe book that us kids gave her one Christmas. I can’t believe I thought a recipe book would be a dream gift, but I guess I did. I love that I can hold her recipes in my hand, see her writing. I feel connected to her. She’s been gone now for 30 years – long time. But every time I make one of her recipes, or wear her apron, or use one of her kitchen tools I feel like she’s still with me and I remember how she used to always smile when she was in the kitchen and everything she made she said it was “made with love”.
So tonight, it’s meatloaf pinwheel at our house. Made with love. I can’t wait.
What’s for dinner at your house?
Is there a recipe you love to make because it reminds you of someone special to you? A recipe passed down through generations?
Stay connected – send me an email anytime
Tags: #TastyTuesday, dinner recipes, meatloaf, old family recipes, tasty tuesdayCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan