The View From Here – Throwback Thursday
February 11, 2021 3:52 pmI love Throwback Thursday. The nostalgia. Thinking back on younger days. Skinnier days. (smile) Seriously. I could eat anything I wanted and not gain a pound. I can THINK about food at my age and gain half a pound. I’m not even kidding.
What do you miss about being a kid? Saturday morning cartoons. TV dinners. Roller skating on the weekend. And bowling.
I had a picture show up on my Facebook page today and it took me WAY back. I don’t even know how old I was. 10, 11, 12? It was a team bowling picture. All smiles. Which is crazy because my parents almost forced me to bowl.
I am not athletic. The idea of playing any kind of team sport makes me want to cry. Again. Not even kidding. I’m not athletic. I lack all skill required to catch a ball, throw a ball, or move out of the way of a fast moving ball (smile). Ask me how I know.
So my mom thought it would be fun for me to bowl on Saturday mornings with my cousin. There was always some sort of competition with this cousin. She was GOOD at bowling. I had never bowled. I think she THOUGHT she would beat me at this too. She had the shirt. The badges.
My mom dragged me to the bowling alley. But guess what? There was an arcade at the bowling alley and chocolate bars. I think that’s how she convinced me to stay. Unlimited quarters to play Pac-Man and every Saturday morning a Mr. Big chocolate bar.
And then guess what happened? I got GOOD. I got really good. I had high scores and got invited to tournaments. I even played a tournament with my coach and BEAT HER. I collected badges and trophies and high score on the Pac Man game at the arcade. I got pretty good at that too. Ha ha ha.
So not to brag, but maybe I have some athletic ability after all. (kidding). And I’d rather look back on a Throwback Thursday on my old bowling skills than my bad haircuts. I probably had as many of those as badges on my bowling shirt.
What do you remember or miss about being a kid? Those younger days?
Email me anytime – cbuchanan@blackburnradio.com
Tags: #throwbackthursday, bowling, childhood memories, D & K bowl, Streetsville, throwback thursdayCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan