The View From Here – How You Doin’?
March 15, 2021 2:45 pmWhen I say “how you doing?” I hope you’re hearing the words of Joey from Friends.
His famous “how you doin’?” always made me smile.
Back in the grey zone today. In my head this morning I was singing the words to the hokey pokey. We keep moving in and out of coloured zones like it’s some sort of game. But there is no game, no prize. And like any good game of Monopoly – never ending. Unless someone cheats. (smile)
Us Fox ladies have something in the works that I hope you will love. We’re going to be bringing you a podcast. Eve, Sarah and myself will be sharing what’s on our minds and in our hearts as we continue through this pandemic. Our first episode will reflect on the one year mark. How life has changed for us.
As we prepared for the first podcast, there was a lot of reflecting on the past year. What else is there to do, really? (smile)
Depending on the day and my mood, I think every day there is a different answer to “how you doing?” So many highs and lows and ups and downs. All the feelings.
I know for sure I am an emotional / stress eater. I sat down last night and had TWO big pieces of home made lemon meringue pie. And enjoyed every bite. That’s on top of the Popeye’s chicken sandwich on the weekend, followed up with a Shamrock Shake, the chips and the chocolate. Eating my feelings for sure.
I sat in church this weekend, socially distant from everyone else. Feeling so alone in a row of chairs all by myself. And thinking, “When is this ever going to be OVER?” This Sunday we’re back to online. Again.
I don’t know about you, but I’m really tired of online everything. I’m done with Zoom and Google Meets. I think it’s painful to see my face on video. We really just stare at our own face don’t we? And start to pick ourselves apart? The wrinkles? The double chin? (see above re: emotional/ stress eating).
I’ve deleted most of my social media. Again.
I’ve gotten away from reaching out to people and staying connected. It feels like there’s nothing new to say. “Yep, still working from home.” I have nothing new to contribute to any conversations.
I do my best to stick to a regular routine like experts told us to do in the beginning. Some days I’m a rock star and do all the things and feel really focused and on top of it. Other days I stare blankly out the window and try to understand why I feel sad or just – nothing.
I sat outside this weekend with my winter coat and a blanket. Just to be OUTSIDE. I love my house, I do. But somedays I feel like it’s suffocating me. We bought new patio furniture this weekend and added a new light to the kitchen – and for a short period in time, it felt NORMAL.
Doing normal, regular things. Finding the light in the darkness so to speak. Trying to find a way to stay positive and hopeful. Just remember that everybody is feeling it and everybody is feeling it different. We all have to find a way to cope with what’s going on around us. For me, it’s baking, Schitt’s Creek on repeat, colouring my hair and avoiding people. (smile) I found this article interesting on how we all have a “thing” to help get us through these trying times. And it’s ok. Whatever your “thing” is.
We have to remember that we’re in it together. Everybody is allowed to feel what they’re feeling and to find a way that helps them get through it.
Keep being kind to each other. Keep supporting each other. Keep supporting those small businesses who are struggling so much right now.
Here’s to the day we don’t have to worry about what colour zone we’re in. What’s open or closed. No more masks or circles or social distance.
We’ll get there.
Until then – I’ve got some leftover lemon meringue pie in my new patio furniture.
Reach out anytime – cbuchanan@blackburnradio.com
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan