The View From Here – I’m Not Ready For Normal
March 18, 2021 1:52 pmDid you see Sarah’s blog today? Another video from the Holderness Family which kinda nails how so many of us (myself included) are feeling about returning to normal. Ready. But sooooo NOT ready at the same time.
I can’t wait until restrictions are lifted and businesses are open and we can do things without fear.
BUT …………
There’s a part of me that feels a bit of panic at the thought of just jumping back in to that old way of life. I don’t feel ready. It’s been a year of working from home in comfy clothes for the most part. I’m not sure I remember how to go about life the way it used to be. The closer we get to back to normal, the more I want to put my foot on the brake and scream “NOT YET! I’m not ready.”
I don’t even know what the new normal will look like, and I’m not even sure I want all of the “normal” back. I don’t want the busy schedule or the frantic pace. I don’t want running around and a “busy” life.
I know we’ve lived life afraid of this virus for the last year, but how many of us are starting to live afraid of returning to normal? Going back to work? Dressing up? Showering EVERY day? Is that still a thing people do? (kidding. kinda) Maybe afraid isn’t the right word. Maybe, reluctant? Hesitant?
What if I have FORGOTTEN how to do it? (smile) I am seriously out of practice.
I’ve enjoyed quiet mornings at home. I’ve enjoyed the relaxed pace. I’ve enjoyed being able to not have to rush around anywhere.
I think in the last year I have learned to appreciate the small things in life. I think I’ve learned what matters and who matters. You can have a thousand “friends” on Facebook, but are they?
In the last week I’ve cleaned up social media. I’ve resisted the scroll. And maybe that’s because we are all so DONE with this pandemic right now, there’s nothing to post and nothing to see and nothing seems to feel important anymore. I’ve realized I don’t need to share my life online. I can do things, and NOT post about it. (smile) I went through a bit of a withdrawal but feel better for it.
I’ve learned to value those people in my life who reach out. That includes YOU. For all of you who have sent an email or text message or leave a comment on a Facebook post – I thank you for helping me feel not so alone in this. Some days it gets pretty lonely, working in my scrapbook room that is now an on air studio/ home office. Except for my Nick Rhodes/ Duran Duran Pop figure. But he’s pretty quiet and never talks back. (smile). Maybe I need to add some of those fun cardboard cutouts to my home office – for fun.
Which makes me wonder – who – if anybody – would I have join me for an afternoon?
Duran Duran – in person – always welcome.
Prince Harry? I’ve got an extra headset.
Oprah. Michelle Obama. My studio is your studio. We could have lots of conversations and lots of laughs.
I know there are a lot of frustrations in our community. We all feel it. I know people are broken and hurting. Lives have been lost. Jobs lost.
Businesses struggling to keep the doors open and keep people working.
Strained relationships.
So much hardship.
This pandemic has been hard on all of us in so many ways. I’m doing my best most days to stay positive and hopeful. Some days are just harder than others.
I’ve been fighting to hang on to hope that this will be over soon. I hope you keep doing the same. We are all just trying to get to the other side of this. We are still in it together.
Let’s keep being kind to each other. I know I sure do appreciate a smile from a stranger more than ever. And I’ll be hoping for a smile and some understanding as we try to get back to some sort of normal. Because I know for me it’s probably going to be a challenge to get back out into the world again. Like waking up from a really long nap, and forgetting what day it is and where you are.
It’s going to be an adjustment for a lot of us.
So let’s keep being kind and doing what we can to understand and help each other through it.
We all want it to be over. We all want to get back to life as we remember it. Maybe with a few tweaks here and there, and more dress down days at work. Just sayin’.
Do you feel really ready for life to go back to the way it was?
What changes are you hoping for when we are finally out of this pandemic mess?
Reach out to me anytime – send me an email to cbuchanan@blackburnradio.com or text us anytime using the A1 Security textline – 519-464-1999.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you for listening.
Stay safe and be well.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan