The View From Here – Thinking Of Mom
April 29, 2021 2:51 pmI admit I get a little weepy this time of year. Everything is a reminder of my mom who I’ve been missing for over 30 years. The lily of the valley coming up in the garden, and the smell of lilacs remind me of her. Mother’s Day is coming up soon. Hint, hint. And her birthday is the end of May. There’s a lot that makes me think of her.
Every Mother’s Day message is a reminder of what you’ve been missing for so long. And your thoughts become “If only…. and what if”. Mother’s mean a lot to us. They teach us a lot. And they need to be celebrated in a big way. That’s why we want YOU to share a message for the mom in your life for Mother’s Day. Not only will you have the chance to win a Big Brunch Basket for Mom from the Alzheimer Society of Sarnia Lambton that includes a chance to win a Custom Kitchen Renovation, but you get the chance to share what’s on your heart and celebrate mom.
So call our MOM hotline (519) 542-7476 and leave a Mothers Day message for Mom. Then listen to the FOX Mother’s Day weekend for all of the Mothers Day messages! Such a special way to honour mom.
And sometimes that person isn’t your mother by birth. Sometimes it’s someone who fills the gap when you’re missing that person. Sometimes it’s a friend. Sometimes it’s another family member.
Those people need to be celebrated as well. I know I have been so very lucky to have those people in my life that have filled the gap. My step mom has been in my life longer than my birth mom. I call her my second mom. Some of us just get lucky and have two moms that love on us and help us navigate life.
You know those meme’s that float around that say if you could sit on this bench for an hour with anybody who would it be? My mom for sure. And I would thank her for everything she did for me and everything she taught me, even though at the time I didn’t really appreciate it or get to thank her for it. You never think you won’t have time.
What does your mom mean to you? Who is that person for you if you’re in my shoes, and missing your mom, or just don’t have that relationship? What did you learn from your mom? When you think of your “mom” what makes you smile?
My mom loved life. She loved her family and her friends. She was just always so positive. I remember her laugh. I remember her dancing. She loved music. I remember her trying to find out my high school crush and embarrassing me in the local grocery store, trying to get his attention. I remember her teaching me to bake and cook. I remember how she made every holiday special.
And no matter what happened at school or in life, none of it mattered once I got home. Because it was our safe space. I am so thankful for what she taught me. Life isn’t always fair, but you show up, you try your best. I learned the value of family and friendship.
So thank you mom. For all that you taught me. And I try to be that for my kids too. To teach them to love life and laugh and dance and have fun every day, that family matters. There is no greater gift than being a mom. Not an easy job, but so very rewarding. And when your kids get older, and they realize what’s involved in parenting and they have that a-ha moment and they say “thank you” for what you’ve done, no matter how small – it’s an incredible feeling.
So make sure you leave that message for mom this year. And share with the Sarnia-Lambton community and anybody else who might be listening by smart speaker or online anywhere in the world – just how special she is to you. It’s not possible to be there in person. We can’t travel to see her. Call and leave her a message, and then listen to the Fox Mother’s Day weekend and listen as everyone shares how special mom’s are to them.
I can’t wait.
Tags: mom, Mother's Day
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan