The View From Here -Anybody Else Feeling Heavy?
May 17, 2021 12:34 pmSometimes I think we just need to be reminded that we aren’t alone. So if you are feeling heavy right now, let me remind you, you are NOT alone. I’m here with you and today I’m feeling kinda stuck in it. That heaviness.
Anybody else feeling heavier?
I could try to laugh it off, like I like to do, and say it’s just about the number on the scale, which has increased again, (smile) but anybody else feeling it? Feeling a little heavier these days? Emotionally? Mentally? Even spiritually?
I talked to so many people over the last few days who said last week was long and hard and many were feeling more sad than usual, struggling to understand why.
Maybe it’s the extension of the stay at home order to June 2. Maybe it’s ongoing disappointments from cancelled events -whether it’s summer camp, or graduations. No camping. No golf. No fun.
I felt it last week and I can’t seem to shake it today.
News of another death in Sarnia-Lambton hit me harder today. I don’t know who it was or the details. All I know is what it’s like for those left behind to grieve and try to understand why. Grief is hard and it’s never ending. It might get easier to carry the load, but it’s always there. My heart goes out to the family and friends, and those in the health care field who were there at the end. The emotional toll this pandemic is taking on those directly in the thick of it must be intense and relentless. I can’t begin to imagine. To those that are there, thank you for all you do.
We really shouldn’t complain about the little things when this virus is still creating so much destruction in it’s path. But it’s hard not to.
We’re tired. We’re frustrated. We’ve had enough.
I’m trying hard to focus on what I have right now, but it’s hard and I’m tired of trying to find the positive. And if you’re feeling that way too – it’s okay.
Nobody can have it all together all the time and keep a smile on their face all the time. I think it’s important to share the bad days with the good days. It’s important to be able to say “you know what? I am NOT okay right now.”
It’s also okay to not even know WHY you feel that way. For me, I feel like I should be grateful for having a job, my health, food on the table, and a roof over my head. I have NO reason to complain or be sad. But I am.
I feel like I’m failing in so many ways. I spend so much time with myself I start criticizing everything about me. I focus on flaws and faults and forget about everything else. I’m lacking motivation or energy to do things I once loved to do. I’m tired of walking the same walk at the end of the day. Tired of taking the same drive in my car. Tired of having nowhere to go and nothing to do and then I feel guilty for saying that when so many people are hurting and struggling and really do have something to be sad about.
So I try. To refocus. Adjust. Be thankful. And try to pick myself up and do what I need to do to get through another day even if it feels exactly the same as yesterday.
I’m working on a Fox Feel Good Group to help us all feel better and more connected and I hope you will join in and find some hope and encouragement in it. I’m trying hard every day to show up for myself and take care of myself and acknowledge the bad days and fight through them. Exercise. Better food choices. I guess you can’t just live on scoops of peanut butter which is totally unfair. And I’m trying to do things I once really loved to do. Like reading. More than Facebook posts and notifications. (smile)
I just started reading Oprah’s new book “What Happened To You”. Powerful question that explains so much about how people behave. Instead of asking “what’s wrong with you” ask “what happened to you”. Think of the stories we’ll tell when this pandemic is finally over.
If anything, this past year has reminded us of what we are capable of. Our strengths. The power of relationship. There’s been a shift in what really matters. For me that comes down to people. Moments. Experiences.
Mental health matters and it’s taken a hit on all of us this past year and we aren’t out of the woods yet.
I love this new series Oprah and Prince Harry are doing and wanted to share the trailer. Further proof that mental health matters and we need to keep sharing – especially when we’re feeling that heaviness, feeling alone and isolated, and feeling not so okay.
Keep finding things to be grateful for. Keep focusing on what is good in you and in others. Keep taking care of yourself and reaching out for help if you need it.
I am always an email away – cbuchanan@blackburnradio.com
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan