The View From Here – Happy Step 1 Day!
June 11, 2021 3:44 pmIt’s official. Patio season is back and we can finally buy the socks and underwear that we’ve been needing. Step 1 of the province’s plan for re-opening is here. I wore my best going out clothes. Not really. I haven’t got any. We haven’t been able to shop. (smile)
Actually, I’ve been working from home since last April. I’ve lost all sense of fashion and an intense hatred for anything with a button or zipper on my pants. (#covid15) Not proud, but honest.
My hair needs some serious help. I’ve started pulling it up into a messy bun because it’s grown so long. Overgrown. Like weeds in a garden. Out of control, messy, and a sight nobody wants to look at. Next “step” in the government plan allows haircuts. I think we all need to start sending pictures and asking for mercy. Seriously. There’s going to be people we no longer recognize. We shouldn’t have to wait til July.
We can go INTO some stores again that have been closed for so long to indoor shopping. Hello, Michaels and scrapbook supplies. I’ve missed you.
What we have been told was NON-ESSENTIAL is now available without getting frustrated trying to find it on a website, trying to add to cart, only to find it unavailable for curbside pickup or sold out. I appreciate the effort of every business, but life is meant to be lived and enjoyed up close and personal. Not online.
I don’t know about you, but I am really tired of online living. I love to browse while I shop. I like to look. I like to touch. Which I know is probably still frowned upon. I have missed buying things I don’t really NEED but that bring a minute of joy.
I’m really looking forward to getting out. I’m just not excited about lines and waiting. So I will EASE myself back out there to avoid the frustration and awkward encounters with other humans. When you’ve been isolated from the world so long you forget how to make small talk. I expect everything to feel awkward for a long time. At least for me. I was awkward in public BEFORE the pandemic. (smile)
What are you looking forward to the most? What have you missed being able to buy? Or do?
Step One of the Roadmap to Reopen includes but is not limited to:
Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 10 people;
Outdoor religious services, rites, or ceremonies, including wedding services and funeral services, capped at the number of people that can maintain a physical distance of two metres;
Indoor religious services, rites, or ceremonies, including wedding services and funeral services permitted at up to 15 per cent capacity of the particular room;
Non-essential retail permitted at 15 per cent capacity, with no restrictions on the goods that can be sold;
Essential and other select retail permitted at 25 per cent capacity, with no restrictions on the goods that can be sold;
Outdoor dining with up to four people per table, with exceptions for larger households;
Outdoor fitness classes, outdoor groups in personal training and outdoor individual/team sport training to be permitted with up to 10 people, among other restrictions;
Day camps for children permitted to operate in a manner consistent with the safety guidelines for COVID-19 produced by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health;
Overnight camping at campgrounds and campsites, including Ontario Parks, and short-term rentals;
Concert venues, theatres and cinemas may open outdoors for the purpose of rehearsing or performing a recorded or broadcasted concert, artistic event, theatrical performance or other performance with no more than 10 performers, among other restrictions;
Outdoor horse racing tracks and motor speedways permitted to operate without spectators; and
Outdoor attractions such as zoos, landmarks, historic sites, botanical gardens with capacity and other restrictions.
Remember to be patient. And kind. Everybody’s excited about things re-opening. Line ups are expected. And some business owners are asking you bear with them as they get back to business.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan