The View From Here – I’m Having A Pity Party And YOU Are Invited
June 17, 2021 3:03 pmGather round. We’re having a pity party. We’re going to take a few minutes and just share some frustrations. No “chin up, stay positive, we’re in this together”. Nope. We’re going to be selfish for a minute because sometimes you need to be. Do you know it’s actually HARMFUL to be positive all the time? It’s called TOXIC POSITIVITY. “Toxic positivity is an obsession with positive thinking. It is the belief that people should put a positive spin on all experiences.”
Yep. Not today.
Today we are giving ourselves permission to NOT be positive. Nope. Today we are just letting out all the things frustrating us. Like online school. And all the frustrations that go with it.
Parents. I’m checking on you. I’m sending you a big high five and reminding you that you are doing amazing. You’re doing the best you can given the circumstances. And it’s okay if it’s not okay. It’s not okay in my house. I’m pretty sure my kids have mentally checked out. I’m done chasing homework and assignments. And why do our grade twelve students still need their volunteer hours when last year they were cancelled? It’s been even harder for them this year. I’m seriously going to fill out the form myself and write “volunteered to help her mother through dark days, offering words of encouragement and comfort and occasionally chocolate chip cookies.” 200 hours complete and that’s going to have to work. I’m not pushing her to find a way to earn volunteer hours when some days it’s a struggle to get out of bed. #sorrynotsorry. Just a few more days and the school year is over. And here’s hoping, fingers and toes crossed, that everything is NORMAL in September. AT least get them back IN the school.
Teachers – thank you. Seriously. hope you’re doing okay. It’s been one hell of a year and a half for you. Back and forth. In classroom. Online. Readjusting lesson plans. Talking to yourself when nobody wants to unmute their mic or turn on their cameras. I have seen the work you’ve done to keep our kids involved and excited and interested. I have seen you reach out to our kids when they have struggled. I have seen you care about the kids beyond the grade and you are appreciated.
Students – you are rock stars. You persevered. You adjusted and adapted to all the changes. You helped your parents more than you know. You did great this year. Well done. Now please just give us a few more days of showing up and finishing those last projects and assignments. Please.
I hate that I feel uncomfortable and awkward at the idea of doing something I used to love to do. Lunch date on the patio tomorrow and I’m sitting here thinking “I don’t know how to do that.”
And yes, I’m exaggerating, because it’s fun. But seriously. It feels so long since we’ve done the things we used to do all the time. I’m even rusty when it comes to making excuses to NOT do something. Remember those days? When we avoided going out because we just wanted to stay home?
There’s days I don’t like who I am. I have spent way too much time with myself and it wasn’t all good. The crap that gets twisted and turned around inside my head is not always productive or positive.
So what are you struggling with today? What has earned you your invitation into our pity party? What’s got you down? What are you frustrated with today? Own it. Address it. Talk about it.
And then tomorrow, we’ll be back and feeling our best selves trying to put one foot in front of the other and live our best lives. We hope. (smile)
As always – reach out to me anytime – cbuchanan@blackburnradio.com or text us using the A1 Security Textline – 519-464-1999.
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Tags: pity party
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan