The View From Here – The Joys Of Aging
June 15, 2021 2:41 pmThe first album I ever bought was the debut album from Duran Duran. Today, that album is celebrating it’s 40th anniversary. GASP. If that doesn’t make you feel old, I don’t know what will. 40 years I’ve had that album in my hands. I’ve listened to it thousands of times. Over and over. Track by track. The hiss and static of the vinyl.
I pulled out that album today and listened to it again. For so many reasons. The first band I ever fell in love with was Duran Duran. They are about to release a brand new album, just in time for my (gulp) 50th birthday. It makes you feel young, doesn’t it? To listen to the music you grew up with. But 40 years? How can that be? I don’t FEEL 40 years older.
It comes in stages, doesn’t it? Getting older? It hits different at different stages. I had trouble with 30. 40 not so much. But this October will be the half century mark. For the most part, I think I’m excited about it. But at the same time, this year has probably seen the most noticeable changes for me when it comes to aging. I let my grey hair take over for a while. People said I looked like my gramma, so by the time by birthday hit in October I went back to colouring it again and felt younger.
When we’re young we can’t wait to grow up. We can’t wait to turn 16 so we can drive. We can’t wait for 19 so we can have that drink. Then we get to those points we thought we couldn’t wait for and wonder why we were so excited.
In the latest Fox Talks Podcast, Eve, Sarah and myself talk about the joys of aging. Some of the things nobody tells you about. Hot flashes. Weight gain. Wrinkles and grey hair. Where is the manual to explain what to expect? (smile) We also talk about how there’s a freedom to getting older too. Not sure why it takes us so long to learn to love ourselves, but it happens. We learn to accept ourselves for who we are and how we look. Most of the time. (smile) I caught a glimpse of myself in my daughter’s bedroom mirror last night and wanted to cry. She told me “we don’t look in that mirror. It’s like a funhouse mirror. Nobody looks good”. I appreciated the boost. Then we were out “thrifting” last night, looking for some fun new summer clothes, and I was asked “Do you qualify for the seniors’ discount?” When I laughed it off and said “No, not yet.” The cashier said “It’s for 55 and up”. Which I guess was at attempt to be helpful and offer what she thought I needed? The girl in line behind me laughed and said “I would have said yes for the discount!” Ha ha ha. When we got to the car, my daughter turned to me and said “I don’t think you look 55.” Thanks. Remind me to pick up some hair colour this weekend and touch up the roots.
How young or old do you feel? A recent survey asked people if they felt older or younger than their true age and most said they felt younger.
For the most part my mind feels younger than my body looks, I guess. (smile) Which makes it all that much harder when your favourite album turns 40 and your oldest daughter graduates high school, and you’re meeting with advisors about retirement planning.
Tags: age, aging, Album, body image, Duran Duran, fity, health, menopause, milestone, milestone birthday, mindset, older, podcast, Sarnia, Sarnia-Lambton, senior discount, seniors, turning fifty, women
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan