The View From Here – So, This Is Strange
July 5, 2021 3:51 pmI went back to the office today. For real. For the full day, and I felt like it was the first day of school after summer vacation. What do I do? What should I wear? And most important, what do I bring to eat? (smile). Armed with a new notebook and pens, and a refreshed and thankful attitude.
I know a lot of people have pretty much been living the same life through this pandemic. Going to work day after day like nothing is different. Not always feeling safe or secure as the pandemic worsened. To those that put themselves on the front lines – thank you. I’ve been very sheltered, and very lucky to have been able to work from home all this time.
Until today.
Today was the first day I got to come back to the office for the full day. Not going to lie, it was challenging, but I enjoy being back. For the most part.
We’re still working in a quiet office. A lot of my co-workers are still working from home. But it was really nice to see a few friendly faces today, and get to work at my old desk – after I cleared a few cobwebs (smile) and did some cleanup. Odd to sit back at the spot I haven’t occupied for a year and a half.
I think cleaning up the mess helped with the emotional impact this past year and a half has had. I had been coming in on Fridays, and it has been strange to see so many workspaces stuck in time. Even at my desk, for a long time the calendar was stuck on March 2020. As if time stood still and we were all swept away like on some sci-fi movie.
In so many ways it feels like this pandemic is over. To see people out on the streets and in the parks and on the beach. So many cars on the streets and in the parking lots.
Gatherings and get togethers happening. More and more businesses open. Patios full. It’s good.
I feel like finally coming out of hibernation after a very long winter.
Step by step things are returning to “normal” and it’s going to be different for everyone. We’re getting there. Isn’t this where someone wiser than me would offer advice, like “slow and steady wins the race?”
I don’t know.
I need a hair cut – though I’ve adjusted to this new “I hope no one sees me today” look. I’ve stopped caring about a lot of things this past year and prioritized other things differently.
It’s good to be back, even if it is still quiet. At least finding a parking spot is still easy. (smile)
How are you doing? Are you back to work? Back to routine? How are you doing now that school is finally, officially OVER?
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan