Have You Seen The Social Dilema?
August 18, 2021 2:39 pmNetflix just released this to YouTube so people can watch it for FREE. The Social Dilemma. Are you ready to see how the social media platforms we like, enjoy and may even be slightly ADDICTED to work to keep us liking, commenting, sharing and exposing ourselves more and more?
The first time I watched this I was so ready to give up all social media. Point proven. It was incredibly HARD to walk away even for a weekend.
I don’t like feeling tricked. I don’t like feeling like I’m being spied on. But, really, do we HONESTLY think whatever we put ONLINE anywhere is PRIVATE? We really do have to think before we share anything online.
There’s a lot of information to digest in this. An hour an half that will leave you wanting to run far away from it, or at least change how you use it or even how often. Featuring interviews with tech-industry insiders, the documentary will make you think twice about the major social platforms that rule our digital lives like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Netflix has shared the full film on YouTube so everyone can watch it for free.
Let me know if you have changed your mind about using social media platforms after watching.
Tags: Netflix, The Social DilemaCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan