The View From Here – It’s Ridiculous Really
August 30, 2021 2:07 pmI can’t believe I’m afraid of bees. And spiders. And snakes. But I am.
And deep water, and drowning, and heights and falling. And those grates and manhole covers, and elevators. But that’s a conversation for another day.
I feel like I’m a pretty strong, independent female. I can do hard things. I’ve gone through some serious life challenges.
But if a bee comes near me – I am TERRIFIED. I freeze. I scream. I run. I’m not even exaggerating on that one. A bee. The size of a fingernail. And I run for the hills.
Today, as I was getting ready for my workday, I stepped outside for a minute and a BEE followed me back inside the house and I knew I couldn’t just let him bee. Let me say, I love bees. I appreciate that they exist and they do wonderful things for us and the planet. But they don’t need to be in my house, or my personal space. Anybody driving with the windows open has never moved so fast to close the windows as they do when a bee comes near that open window. Seriously. There is NOTHING worse than an unwanted insect in your car while driving. Do I just stop and abandon the vehicle? (smile)
So it was me and the bee this morning in my house.
My husband was working. So were my kids. I was ALONE. DANGER DANGER.
Nobody to call for help. I considered leaving. (smile) but then that bee could be anywhere by the time I got home. He could be inviting his friends over. He could be planning my demise. Nobody should have to live with that kind of fear.
So I rose to the challenge. Heart racing. Movements quick. Trying to anticipate where he would fly next. Taking his time checking out every inch of my kitchen. Flying around randomly. Antagonizing me by the second. Teasing me. Laughing at my fear. Ridiculous, right?
Anybody else feel incredibly silly being so scared of a bee or spider?
I came face to face with a spider web yesterday morning, so that was fun. The only thing worse than hitting a spider web is wondering if you disturbed the spider, and if so, where was he and would he attack me in my sleep?
Yep. Almost 50 years old. I’ve had three babies. I’ve dealt with all kinds of hard situations and challenges. But it’s a tiny bee in my house that brings me to my knees.
Not sure where he went after I asked him to leave my house, but I’m pretty sure he’s still laughing with his little bee friends. Proud of himself for shaking me up, and scaring me as much as he did.
Tags: bees, fears, insects, spiders
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan