The View From Here – Time For A Change!
August 4, 2021 1:57 pmI am so done with this hair. This “pandemic, can’t get it cut anywhere and I don’t want to ruin it by cutting it myself, HAIR”. It’s a mess and I’m ready to change it up. I mean really change it up. I want to cut it short. It’s never been short. I want bangs back. I want colour and highlights. Or maybe I am just looking for my youth back. Maybe I’m putting a lot of pressure on a hair cut.
Maybe it’s the pandemic, or maybe the real need for change is the fact that I’m going to be 50 soon. The date is getting closer and closer and suddenly I’m feeling every one of those years.
When did you start feeling “old” or realize that you were showing signs of aging? I mean REALLY started to notice that the face you see in the mirror is no longer one you recognize? You look at the wrinkles, the change in your skin. When I noticed the neck wrinkles really standing out, that’s when I started to struggle. When did I get “old”?
I don’t FEEL old, but I’m struggling more and more with the difference in how I FEEL about myself and how I look in the mirror.
Weight gain. Hormones. Mood swings. I don’t want to say I’m dealing with hot flashes, but my body temperatures sure are all over the place, leaving my husband and kids very confused. (smile)
How do you feel about getting older? What has been your biggest adjustments? Challenges?
I know, it’s a privilege denied to many. I understand that. My mom died at 41. To my 18 year old self that seemed “old”. Now I’ve outlived her by almost a decade and I understand just how much life she missed. She really was young when she died. I wish I had gotten to know my mom as an adult and not just “mom”. So many questions about growing older, and changes. I never saw her get old so maybe that’s why I’m struggling more.
We’re planning retirement and working on saving money for that someday just down the road for us. When did we become grown ups? (smile)
Last year I let the grey hair take over. I embraced the whole aging thing. Today, I’m eating Pop Tarts for breakfast and planning a huge change in my hair to hang onto some of that youth just a little longer.
I know that I have sure learned to appreciate every single day on this earth. I’ve learned that nobody is guaranteed tomorrow and you don’t ever get back the moment we’re in. Life goes by way too fast and the older you get the faster it goes.
50. I can’t even believe it. I guess it’s time to start a new vision board and start thinking about the next 50 years and where that will take me.
Trip to Europe?
Write a book?
Meet Oprah?
Have Duran Duran play at my party?
What age was hard for you to accept? What have you struggled with the most?
E-mail me anytime – cbuchanan@blackburnradio.com
Tags: aging, bad hair, change, hair, homrones, hot flashes, menopause, pandemic, women, womens health
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan