The View From Here – What’s New With You?
November 30, 2021 3:19 pmHello! How are you? It’s been a “minute” as my kids would say. Sorry. I guess I got busy. Re-watching Downton Abbey to prepare for the next movie coming next year and eating Timbits, in the name of “research”.
If you don’t know, Tim Hortons and Justin Bieber have teamed up for limited edition Timbits they are calling “Timbiebs”. Three flavours – white chocolate fudge, sour cream chocolate chip and (my favourite) birthday cake waffle. I’m boring when it comes to donuts – I usually go for the plain old fashioned. But these had me curious. So I tried them. For research. (smile) The white chocolate fudge is too sweet for me. The sour cream chocolate chip is pretty good but it’s the birthday cake waffle that I choose to be my favourite. Birthday cake is good all by itself. But it’s the crunchy coating that sets it apart. To go with the new Timbits, Justin Bieber merchandise is available as well. A fanny pack, a beanie and a tote bag. To look cute while carrying around your #timbiebs I guess.
I’ve started watching the new Beatles documentary “Get Back”. Are you watching? What do you think? I’m only three quarters through the first one. First of all, you can almost FEEL the enormous pressure the boys are under to not only come up with an album, but a live show to boot. You can tell they don’t REALLY want to be there. George especially seems to be growing more and more frustrated. It seems anything he does is undervalued and underappreciated. Paul seems to be the one taking charge and trying to get the others on board again. But he comes across as bossy at times. You can tell they are all kinda done with the band. Yoko Ono is there. Silent. Keeping to herself. She isn’t telling anyone what to do. Paul seems to be the one doing that. We see a different side to her than has been portrayed over the years. I think if anybody is breaking up the band it’s Paul as he barks orders.
I think what impresses me the most is the creativity and talent. You see this as the “job” it is. Working to come up with songs. Spending hours/ days in a studio. To see Paul pick up a guitar and come up with a hit song like it’s easy. Again, I’m only a third of the way through the FIRST episode and there’s three total. Very cool that someone thought to record this and we get that glimpse into their life now.
I’ve been a fan of the Beatles since I was a kid and my mom introduced me to Twist and Shout. I’ve got my favourite songs and favourite albums. I know a bit about the band and the boys. But this is a really interesting peak into what it was like for them. Also makes me sad to think of what would come of John Lennon years later.
I haven’t started shopping. But I did practice baking this weekend. I made shortbread cookies. A recipe I found in one of my mom’s old cookbooks. Couldn’t help it. The snow was falling. There were parades everywhere. Celebration of Lights is on in Centennial Park. It was feeling like Christmas and I just wanted to enjoy some cookies. We’ve got our house decorated for the holidays. Love that too. Just need to get our tree. Which is always a real one. So we wait a bit so it doesn’t look like a Charlie Brown tree before Christmas. (smile)
I’ve heard rumours of a Christmas tree shortage, and today on the show, rumours of a turkey shortage as well. And if you do get yourself a Christmas turkey, you’re probably going to pay 25% more than you did last year. Yikes. It’s getting harder and harder to just “get by”.
I’m asking Santa for patience this year. I think I need some. I get more and more frustrated with each passing day. Frustration with rising prices – food, gas etc. People that drive way too fast. Why are you in such a hurry that you have to whip past me doing 80+ in a 50 zone?
So I bake cookies and eat TimBiebs and lose myself in my daily episode of The Young and the Restless. Where they don’t social distance or wear masks and nobody speaks of a virus of any kind.
Let me know how you’re doing, if you’ve tried the TimBiebs and what your favourite flavour of the three is, and if you’ve watched the Beatles documentary. Maybe you can recommend something new to me. I think my husband would roll his eyes if I watch Schitt’s Creek for a FIFTH time. (smile)
Thanks for listening and sharing your afternoons with me.
Tags: beatles, documentary, Justin Bieber, Paul McCartney, The Beatles: Get Back, Tim Hortons, Timbiebs, Yoko Ono
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan