The View From Here – Happy Holidays?
December 23, 2021 12:33 pmIt’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. That’s what we sing in the song.
How are you feeling right now? I don’t know about you, but as much as I’m trying to feel the magic of the holiday season, and smile and laugh and find the joy, deck the halls and all that fa la la, there is an underlying sadness that lingers.
Feels like we’re stuck. Covid cases on the rise. Endless talk of this variant. Bah humbug.
I was driving into work this morning just trying to focus on the positive. I slowed down along the river road and just took in the beauty of the river. The freighters. The simplicity.
I took a deep breath to think of all that I am thankful for.
It’s been a busy week getting ready for Christmas. Shopping. Wrapping. Baking. Making sure I remembered to get the turkey out of the freezer. (smile) Thankfully I did. I broke up the loaf of bread for stuffing this morning and thought of my mom and all the times we did this. I’ve got some last minute baking to do tonight which I’m excited about. Crank up the Christmas music and just get lost in the moment.
I don’t know if it’s the ongoing pandemic, or the stress of the season and buying too much, worrying about the “right or perfect” gifts. Or maybe it’s just an age thing.
But almost every day this week I have woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, feeling anxious and worried. AGAIN. I don’t WANT to, but my mind doesn’t seem to want to stop thinking about EVERYTHING and I can’t seem to find the off switch. I just wish it didn’t happen in the middle of the night.
This should be a time of celebration and get togethers. Family. Togetherness. Simplicity. Rest. Peace and joy on earth. That kinda thing. That’s nice. But I know that’s not always true. It can also be the absolute worst time of the year when you’ve lost a job or lost someone you loved. If you’ve lost a relationship. If you’re just feeling alone. It can be a mix of all of it.
I hope that this holiday season, you find a way to celebrate in your own way.
Even if that means shutting off the world and binge watching Netflix, eating cereal in front of the tv. You have to do what works for YOU.
I have a week of vacation coming up and I am super excited to shut off the world. Excited to turn off social media for the next 10 days and step away from the negativity and dark news headlines. I don’t want to see the posts that only get me riled up and angry, fearful, and frustrated.
I want to slow down. Sit in my scrapbook room. Listen to a Beatles album. I’m hoping Santa brings me the Let It Be album on vinyl. I think I’ve been good. (smile)
I’m looking ahead to the new year and excited for a fresh start. I’ve got some ideas for the Fox Feel Good Facebook group. I think we’re going to do a “feel better” challenge. Which will encourage you and maybe motivate you to get back on track. Exercise. Good nutrition. Self care. Watch for that invite.
We aren’t going anywhere this holiday. We’re staying put. My husband, my girls and Sheldon (our cat). We’ll have PopTarts Christmas morning, and a big breakfast. Turkey dinner with my mom’s stuffing, made with love. Mashed potatoes and gravy and a vegetable of some sort. We’ll stay in our pj’s all day, and watch movies and play games and even if we all end up in our own space in the house – we will be together. And that’s the way we like it.
I’ll think of my family who isn’t with us with a smile, and be grateful for the time we did have but miss their presence.
From the bottom of my heart – I wish you a very Merry Christmas, an enjoyable holiday season and a very happy new year. Let’s make a promise to make 2022 a good year. May we be kind to each other and continue to look after each other.
Thank you for being here. For reading my blogs and tuning in every afternoon from 2pm – 6pm. I am sure grateful for you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Talk to you again in 2022!!!
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan