The View From Here – Happy New Year
January 3, 2022 1:50 pmA new year usually brings so much promise and possibility. Excitement over changes. All those resolutions to break. (smile)
This year is starting out a little different after today’s most recent announcement. Sigh. Here we go again. School goes back to online learning for two weeks. (Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?) Gyms will close. No more indoor dining. Great. Just as we started our kitchen renovations we have no place to escape to with real plates and utensils. (smile).
Today’s announcement isn’t really a surprise. It’s confusing and frustrating and I don’t know what the “right” thing to do is anymore. I just know that above all else, we have to take care of each other and show compassion and understanding and kindness. We are all in it, trying to figure it all out when none of it makes any sense.
How can we STILL be in this mess? How are you feeling after today’s announcement? Defeated. Sad. Frustrated. And repeat.
I guess I’m glad I’ve got other distractions. Like a new puppy!
And a pretty big kitchen renovation in the works. Not sure who gets a puppy in the middle of a major renovation – but we did, and we love her even if she chews my new slippers and is still learning to take her “business” outside. She is playful and happy and loves the snow and it’s the best feeling to see her wag her tail in excitement to see us, even if we’ve just left the room and come back again.
Any puppy training tips appreciated. Seriously. Send them my way. Please. I beg of you.
What are your plans for 2022? Do you make resolutions? What are your goals for the new year?
I know my first goal is to lose the extra weight I gained over the holidays. Every pound worth it, but still. Our Fox Feel Good Facebook group will be doing a challenge in the month of January to help us all focus on the things that help us to feel good and that might just be eating more veggies, exercise and moving more, a reminder to drink water – and maybe we’ll get a few other surprises in store for you. If you’re interested in joining our Feel Good community – click the link to request to join and we’ll get you in on the feel good vibes! The goal of the group is to share life and connect in a positive space. #goodvibesonly
As for me and my resolutions – I struggle with this every year. I love the idea of a restart. Getting excited about change. “I’m going to lose 10 pounds, read five books, limit social media, go to bed early, drink more water, eat more veggies, journal” – blah, blah, blah. I’ll try. But some habits are hard to break.
Why can’t I just be honest and say I’m going to eat way more chocolate this year. Probably drink more wine. Cry over nothing and everything at the same time as we continue on with this pandemic world. I’m probably going to eat my feelings way more than I should, even if I know better, and gain a few more pounds and blame it on the pandemic and not on my lack of will power. (smile).
So here we are. A brand new year. Full of new possibilities and dreams and goals and ideas. A blank slate to your story. What will you write? What will you do with the new year ahead? What will you change? What will you be challenged by? Where will you go? What new habits/ hobbies will you start?
I love the excitement of new beginnings and a new year ahead, even if we do start with restrictions and online learning for our kids. I’m just going to need to lean on you as the days go by and ask you for a little help and encouragement along the way. And I’ll do the same for you when you need it. We already lost Betty White. We can’t lose each other. (smile).
We can get through this.
Keep showing up for yourself, for each other, for our local businesses that need us to keep supporting them. Order that take out. Do an online fitness class.
Wishing you a very happy new year.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan