The View From Here – Look For The Rainbows
January 28, 2022 3:11 pmHappy Friday my friends. I hope you are doing okay. I think I hit a bit of a breaking point earlier today, where the weight of it all got a bit too heavy, and even though I was trying to keep it together, I had a call with a co-worker who simply asked “How are you doing?” and it was the straw the broke the camel’s back so to speak, and the tears came. How professional. (smile)
And instead of faking a smile and saying “fine” I was honest, and said “right now, not okay.”
And we had a conversation about the world and everything that was going on around us and in our community. We talked about the truck convoy. We talked about living through a pandemic and how it’s changed our world, our workplace, and how much it’s affected our mental health.
I hope you have someone to talk to when you can’t say you’re fine. I hope you have someone in your circle that you can share your heart with, and share the fears and insecurity and anxious thoughts.
I think these are the days I miss my mom the most. Even though I’ve lived longer without her than with her, I miss her presence. I miss her reassurance. I miss the simple knowing that she was there for anything and to be the voice that says “it will be okay”.
Gosh could I use a dose of that comfort right now. Because nothing feels okay right now. It takes it’s toll on your mental health. All the “stuff” that is happening around us.
Don’t think sitting behind the mic makes us immune to any of it because it doesn’t. We feel it all. And to be the target at times of not so kind messages isn’t good for anybody.
We all want this to be over and get our lives back and get back to normal. Well, for the most part. If my boss is reading, I would love to still be able to wear my comfy clothes to work, and Duran Duran t-shirts on Feel Good Fridays. (smile)
It’s gone on way too long, and we are all “done” with it. We’re tired and angry and frustrated. But it’s not going to be forever. And every time I think of something I’m not able to do, or miss – I think of those lives lost and how much those families are hurting. And I think of everyone – from the health care workers, to the truckers, to the cashiers at the checkouts – who have been working tirelessly through this whole thing. Adapting, over and over again. To those business owners who never know from one day to the next what is going to happen. To those who have lost a job, or have no security in the workplace because of the chaos this has created. Thank you. For all that you have done.
It’s been HARD.
So – I don’t know why, but I was sitting here feeling sad, and trying to get up the energy for an on air show about “feeling good” and I thought of the saying “when it’s dark, look for the rainbows”. And maybe you need to hear that too. A reminder that when it feels dark, and overwhelming and sad – focus on the good. Look for the rainbows in the dark.
And then I remembered a song I loved as a kid, and even now, even still, a kid at heart – Kermit the Frog. Rainbow Connection.
Look for the rainbows. Look for the helpers. Look for the good.
And when it’s hard, don’t be afraid to say so. Don’t be afraid to let the tears flow, even if it’s a bit embarrassing on a video call with a co-worker. (smile)
Thanks for listening and sharing your afternoons with me. Reach out anytime – cbuchanan@blackburnmedia.ca
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan