The View From Here – Not OK
January 5, 2022 10:49 amHow are you doing today? Because I’m not doing okay. I am back to working from home part time and I have been staring out the window for the last fifteen minutes trying to figure out what is happening and how I feel. I sure don’t feel okay.
How are we here right now? How are we back to restrictions after almost two years of trying to “flatten the curve”? After all that we’ve been doing. We’ve adapted to changing situations over and over and over again. We are worn out. Exhausted. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally worn out. So done with this never ending pandemic that keeps throwing curve balls at us.
So no. I am not okay today.
The number of people in hospital right now is concerning. What this is doing to our health care workers is concerning.
They are exhausted from trying to keep up in taking care of those in need, while also trying to take care of themselves and family as well. It’s too much. The letter that was released from Bluewater Health last night took my breath away. I thought we were in the home stretch with this. I thought we were finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Nope. I’m not okay today.
I feel for the restaurant owners and staff who have to adapt again and close dining rooms. Gyms. Other businesses that have done nothing but adapt and re-adjust. “Pivot!” Suddenly I hear the voice of Ross Geller from that Friends episode where they are struggling to get a couch up the stairs.
Kids are back to remote learning leaving parents of young kids struggling to juggle their work with their kids schooling and it is HARD on everyone. Our kids, the teachers and the parents trying to make it all work.
For today I’m done with the positive attitude perspective. Today I think I will wallow a little. I think today I will sit and let the emotions take control. Eat that box of chocolates left over from Christmas.
I made my bed and got a workout in this morning before work. Two things I’ve been doing through this whole pandemic. It’s two things that help me feel in control of something and normal. I love my morning workout for that reason. All I’m thinking about is the moves in the program and not worrying about cases and hospitalizations.
And can I make a suggestion? Let people feel how they feel. I don’t want to be told that what I am feeling is wrong. I don’t want to be told I’m wrong for thinking a certain way or feeling afraid or nervous or unsure of what’s to come. I don’t want to be told to think positive or “it’s not that bad”. I don’t want to be told I’m wrong for not being okay with this.
I’m thinking of all the people working hard to get us through this. I’m thinking of all the doctors and health care workers and every other person working behind the scenes in the hospital right now. I’m thinking of all the people who have loved ones in a hospital bed and I’m thinking of all those who are hurting and worn out by the mind games this pandemic has played with us. I’m thinking of all the parents who are struggling to go to work and get their kids to show up for school online. I’m thinking of all the business owners trying to keep their doors open and staff working.
It’s a LOT and it’s okay to not be okay with it.
We all want this to be over and see restrictions lifted and the fear of getting sick or loved ones dying GONE.
Today let yourself be. Be good to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Remind yourself that you are doing the best you can in the moment. Nobody has been through what we are going through right now. And we are going through it together. Let’s keep looking out for each other and supporting each other and showing kindness and compassion to those around us EVEN IF they don’t feel the same way about what we are going through.
I really thought by now we’d be over it and through it and going back to “normal”. It seems like just a few weeks ago that’s where we were headed.
Plot twist.
If only we could change the channel or rewrite the script. Where is the restart button? Always works on my laptop when I have an issue.
If only it were that easy.
Look out for each other. Follow the guidelines in place. Support our local businesses. And keep taking care of yourself.
We will get through this.
As always, feel free to reach out anytime. Even if you just need someone to chat with.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan