The View From Here – One Of Those Days
January 20, 2022 1:05 pmI see how today is going. It’s going to be one of those highly emotional days. Those days you just sit and cry for no reason in particular. Just a release of all the emotions and all the heaviness you carry around, and keep pushing down so it doesn’t reveal itself, until some tiny thing happens and the tears come flooding down, and you feel a bit ridiculous because you don’t know exactly WHAT you are crying over, but at the same time it feels SO GOOD to just let it all out.
It’s one thing. It’s all the things.
It’s bad news from a friend. It’s the new puppy chewing everything in sight. It’s throwing out your back. AGAIN. And feeling old because you keep throwing out your back. And when that happens you can’t exercise, which is the ONE thing you actually look forward to to start your day, and then you can’t. It’s cloudy days and snow in the forecast. It’s working from home and isolation from the real world. It’s Facebook memories that remind you of a time when you were brave and strong and fearless and now you feel none of those things. A reminder of friendships lost. A time when you could do all the things we still can’t do right now.
It’s one thing. And it’s all the things. And it gets HARD. And it doesn’t mean if you feel that way too, you aren’t having more good days than bad days.
I came across a Ted Talks podcast recently about the importance of mental health and threw out the idea that maybe we should allow “sad days” in addition to sick days. What do you think of that idea? So important to keep talking about mental health – especially now. Hopefully you have an employer that allows you to take a sad day or a mental health day . I know that we are very lucky here to have managers that care and have help in place for us if we need it.
I shared on the Fox Facebook page yesterday a meme about feeling fine, but not really fine and it got a lot of people commenting about all sharing a general “uneasiness”. Even though life seems fine, there’s that feeling underneath it all that nothing is fine. It’s so nice to not feel alone in that confusion. It’s why we have the Fox Feel Good Facebook group. It doesn’t push you to feel good all the time, but it’s a place to go that you can share it all, and when you have those down days you know that others in the group have your back and will help to lift you back up again and support you through it. Click HERE to join us if you’re looking for a positive space online to connect with others.
There’s hope on the horizon with the prospect of restaurants and gyms and movie theatres opening up again, even if it is at 50% capacity. We need it to feel something close to normal, and our local business owners desperately need it to keep their businesses running.
There’s a line in an old movie – The Crow – that I especially love when I have those sad days. “It can’t rain all the time”. Just a reminder that “this too shall pass”. It won’t be this hard forever. So we hang on to that hope and keep looking for the clouds to break.
Thank you for being a part of my day and for listening in the afternoons. I appreciate every call, text, and email that comes my way. It brings a little sunshine to my cloudy days.
Reach out anytime –
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan