The View From Here – Can We Talk?
February 11, 2022 2:44 pmI appreciate that you are here. That you share your afternoons with me and that you read these blogs. And I love when you stay connected with messages of support and encouragement, and other things.
We have shared a LOT in the last couple of years, getting through this pandemic, and helping each other through. Good days, bad days. You’ve made it easy for me to share all of it. The sadness, fear, frustration, anger, and everything in between. You have helped me feel less alone. So thank you for that.
It’s been a challenging time and it feels even more challenging now as it draws on and on. I get the frustration. I feel it too. I’m tired of it. So tired of it. At the same time, I’ve gotten really used to hiding out at home. Getting too comfortable in comfy clothes. And my eyebrows might scare small children at this point. I really should do something about that, other than grow out my bangs to hide them. (smile)
I’m a bit pissed off today too because after all that we’ve done to avoid the “vid” – our whole family has fallen pray to the virus. It got us. All of us. Actually, I thought I was in the clear, but as of today, I can officially say “I have covid-19”. I actually questioned whether I should even share it for fear of what people might say or think. That’s why I’m sharing. Because I think more people should share the experience and maybe then we wouldn’t be so anxious or fearful.
I got the vaccines and I got the booster. And I firmly believe they helped. We have all been isolating and working from home and desperately want to get back out into the real world again. My symptoms aren’t so bad. I’ve got a cough and a bit of a runny nose. Everybody in the house seemed to get different symptoms, some worse than others. Vaccines don’t mean you don’t get it. It means you don’t end up in the hospital. For that I am thankful.
In one way I’m relieved that it finally hit our house so now I don’t have to worry so much. The first few days, when my oldest daughter came down with it, I was anxious. SO ANXIOUS. What would happen? How would it effect us? I was losing sleep. Seriously. But I’m someone who imagines every worst case scenario. You know. To prepare for it. Because when you go through tragedy in life, you tend to expect it to happen again and again. You wait, you plan. Like somehow we can control the world if we live expecting something bad to happen. Nope. Doesn’t work that way.
After all that we have been through together, it’s been really hard to watch the negativity online. The hate. The insults. The name calling. That isn’t who we are as a community or a country. I think that after all we’ve had to deal with, all that we’ve lost, seeing all that online has been the hardest to deal with. We are so much better than that. We are a community that stands together and comes together whenever there is a need. Let’s not lose that identity. We can all have differences of opinion, thoughts and feelings. We have all been hit by this pandemic in different ways. We are all tired of it. But let’s not forget to be kind to each other, be compassionate and understanding. That’s where we shine.
In other news, we have a new refrigerator at home that makes ice and I can’t stop smiling. The littlest things can bring the most joy. (smile) Our kitchen renovation is finally complete. We have running water again and don’t feel like we’re living in the Little House on the Prairie days. (smile) You have no idea how much you use a sink until you don’t have one for months.
Our puppy chewed my phone case today and has learned to jump up on the couch, chair, bed – anywhere she feels she needs to be to be more comfortable, whether we are already sitting there. She’s growing so much and is basically sleeping through the night which is super exciting for us old folks. (smile). Puppies are WORK. But totally worth it for the love they show us. My palm tree plant is half the size it used to be. I’m down an insole, a shoelace, and a pair of pajama pants. But who’s counting? (smile)
Totally loving Sweet Magnolias season two. Thanks for the recommendations~! Such a cute show.
That’s it for me. Don’t forget you can reach out anytime – send me an email and I will gladly stay in touch.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan