New Music Monday – Camila Cabello X Ed Sheeran
March 7, 2022 9:00 amWe want to know what you think of this brand new single from Camila Cabello with Ed Sheeran!
Many fans believe “Bam Bam” is about Camila’s breakup with Shawn Mendes. Seems that way. Camila hasn’t publicly said anything about the breakup. The two broke up in November after years of dating. But there’s a lot in the lyrics to this song that make it seem pretty obvious what and who it’s about. Camila, with the help of good friend Ed Sheeran, sings of broken promises and telling lies. Like a love of the ocean.
“You said you hated the ocean but you’re surfing now/ I said I love you for life but I just sold our house”. Hinting at the fact he was recently spotted surfing and she really did just sell her house in December.
Camila will release her new album Familia on April 8.
What do you think of the song? Should we play it? Add it to the Fox playlist?
Text the A1 Security Text Line to let us know what YOU think. 519-464-1999. Or email cbuchanan@blackburnmedia.ca
Tags: bam bam, Camila Cabello, Ed Sheeran
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan