The View From Here – Happy International Women’s Day
March 8, 2022 3:00 pmToday we celebrate women and we give thanks for the women in our lives.
I feel incredibly lucky for my circle of ladies. I think of my mom. She taught me so much in just 18 years. She taught me to love life, family is important, stand up for yourself and others, believe in yourself, and shave your legs. (smile). She taught me strength. Love. And the power of laughing at yourself through it all. There was nothing she couldn’t do, and I never believed anything was out of reach.
When my mom died, so many people stepped in to love on me and lift me up. I’m a lucky girl. I am in awe of the women in my life. Their strength and courage, combined with kindness and compassion. They amaze me, inspire me and encourage me daily. I look up to so many women in this world for different reasons. Those who have overcome incredible tragedy and overcome, those who share their love and kindness with others, women in business, women who have written their own book. Women who changed careers and followed their dreams. Women who quit toxic relationships, and started over. Strength. Courage. Determination. Passion. Admirable.
Don’t ever doubt your place in this world or what you are capable of. Don’t ever believe your dream is for someone else or you are not enough to make it happen.
This is a day of celebration for all women. It doesn’t matter what you do or where you came from – you are amazing, capable and so worthy of all that life offers. Today is International Women’s Day – but I hope you take time to celebrate YOU.
I saw a quote today that I loved that said “I am inspired by the woman I am becoming.” 100% yes. Celebrate the women in your life. Be thankful for those who molded you and shaped you, who loved on you, nurtured you and encouraged you to be better. But don’t ever forget the woman you see in the mirror. Be proud of HER. Celebrate HER. And realize that you just might be the one inspiring someone else. That’s pretty cool.
So thankful for the women in my life.
Happy International Women’s Day.
Tags: #IWD2022, celebrate, International Women's Day, IWD, womenCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan