New Music Monday – Numb Little Bug
April 11, 2022 9:00 am(Written with help from Luca Ferrara)
We want to know what YOU think of this new song from Em Beihold. It was just featured this past weekend on American Top 40 with Ryan Seacrest.
“Numb Little Bug” was officially released on January 28th, 2022. But not before the chorus was released on TikTok in 2021.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life?
Like you’re not really happy but you don’t wanna die
Like you’re hangin’ by a thread but you gotta survive
‘Cause you gotta survive
Like your body’s in the room but you’re not really there
Like you have empathy inside but you don’t really care
Like you’re fresh outta love but it’s been in the air
Am I past repair?
It quickly became a viral sensation on the app, with the original video getting close to 7 million views.
Then when the full song was released in January it really took off. The song’s chorus has been used in over 60 thousand videos on TikTok since it’s release.
The song is about her experience being on antidepressants for her anxiety which left her feeling numb, saying they “sucked the soul and energy” out of her.
The official music video was released on March 10th on Em Beihold’s YouTube channel. After listening to the song, many people reached out to Em in DM’s, surprised and relieved that others feel the same way as they do.
Em says “People are relating to the bluntness of it.” Writing in the comments “I wish I could “heart” every single one of your comments – while it makes me sad to see that so many people relate to this feeling, my heart is full from the little support community we’ve created here. Sending you all the biggest, fattest hugs in the universe ❤”
Text the A1 Security Textline and let us know what you think of the song!
or email cbuchanan
Tags: Em Beihold, new music monday, Numb Little Bug, YouTubeCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan