The View From Here – Anybody Else Feel It?
May 11, 2022 3:36 pmAnybody else feel happier lately? Lighter even?
As we see more and more come to life in the spring season, I think it’s like that for a lot of us too. Warm weather, sunshine on our faces, being outdoors, seeing the grass green up, flowers blooming – nature is coming alive and so are we.
It feels like the heaviness of the past few years is lifting. Knock wood. I don’t want to jinx anything. But there’s a shift. It’s like we finally get to exhale.
Craft sales and outdoor music festivals. Concerts. Outdoor dining. Social outings. The world is coming back to life and it feels really, really good!
It feels like we are on the other end of this pandemic and even if gas prices and food prices at the grocery store make me want to cry right now – I honestly haven’t felt this good in a long time. I haven’t felt like myself in a long, long time and I feel like I’m getting my spark back. But at the same time, I think we’ve all learned some things in the last few years about what matters the most and I think we’re really ready to embrace all of it now.
More time with people we care about and less time online. More time connecting and less time collecting things that don’t really matter at the end of the day.
More time doing things that bring us joy. Whatever that might be. Discovering new hobbies. Making time for self care and reflection.
I’ve learned a lot about myself. It’s been an interesting journey that has brought a lot of self discovery and healing. So as hard as it’s been, I am thankful for what I’ve learned.
One of my biggest takeaways – we’re all broken. We all have been through something we never thought we’d survive. But here we are. Broken but strong. Still going. And we don’t have to “fix” anything. We just have to keep showing up. And taking care of ourselves and each other.
Now if we could just bottle that feeling. That would be amazing.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan