The View From Here – What Do We Do?
May 25, 2022 9:54 amI think it’s safe to say we’re all in shock over the news of another mass shooting. I’ve been struggling to find the words. How can this have happened? Again.
My mind can’t process it. My heart breaks for all those families dealing with such heartbreak right now. How do we begin to understand this? What do we DO? How do we help? How do we FIX this?
As of this morning, they reported at least 19 children and two teachers were killed at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The two teachers died trying to protect them. Let that one sink in. How is this happening in this world?
Senseless and tragic. Heartbreaking. Devastating.
So many questions, like WHY? Why does an 18 year old go to an elementary school to do this?
And so the conversation begins AGAIN about gun control laws and what to do. How do we stop this from happening?
As a parent I’m thinking of those little kids. Sitting in a classroom. A regular Tuesday. I can’t stop thinking of how incredibly frightening the situation must have been. What they were thinking and feeling. How scared they must have been.
I can’t stop thinking of those parents who are grieving the loss of their little ones. I can’t stop thinking of the parents trying to comfort the kids who weren’t killed. Those kids will never, ever be the same.
I know for me, when we lost our family in a car accident, it changed me in ways that I feel to this day. Someone going way too fast, through a stop sign. Even though I wasn’t in the car when it happened, to this day I don’t trust other drivers to stop. I get anxious at intersections, especially on country roads. Because it DID happen, I know that it can happen and could happen to ME.
But that is nothing compared to this situation. No one should have to live life in fear. No one should feel unsafe at school. Or anywhere.
So what do we do? What CAN we do?
I don’t know.
I don’t have the answers. But I know we can’t go wrong showing more kindness, compassion and care to each other. Check up on those in your life. Watch for signs of struggle. Reach out. Check in.
My heart goes out to everyone effected by this situation. I don’t know your pain but I stand with you and support you and send you prayers for strength, peace and comfort. I KNOW it’s not enough and never will be. But it’s something.
**UPDATE*** I saw this video making the rounds today and needed to share how so many people are feeling. “When is someone going to do something?”
Tags: shooting, Texas
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan