The View From Here – The One With The Bug
July 4, 2022 1:00 pmHey there. It’s been a while since I shared with you. I hope you had a great Canada Day long weekend. There was lots to do and we had great weather. It was so much fun at our house. One of those weekends where you really don’t want it to end. So many fun, special moments all blending together. Lots of memories made for sure.
Friday – Canada Day – was fun with the parade, the festivities in the park. We took our puppy to Canatara, wandered the park, and took her down to the beach for the very first time. Watched as she took bites out of the incoming waves of the lake. Nice to see so many people out and about, enjoying the day.
The fireworks were incredibly busy. So many people.
I had a party for one in the backyard Saturday night. Just me, sitting around the small fire pit in our backyard, roasting marshmallows and making s’mores. Taking extra chocolate because I didn’t have to share. (smile). When the kids are old enough to do their own thing, it’s nice sometimes to take a moment to sit in the still quiet by yourself . My husband was catching up on something on Netflix and I enjoyed the quiet. Until the neighborhood fireworks started. Not sure who was responsible, but it was an impressive display of backyard fireworks and I enjoyed the show.
Sunday we were tourists in our own backyard so to speak and made a morning of visiting the beautiful downtown area. Stopped into Cromwell Grill for breakfast (so good!) and wandered the downtown.
And as I lay my head down to go to sleep last night, I felt quite content. Happy with the weekend and all that we had done and accomplished. Until I felt something in my ear. Half asleep, I kinda pulled at the hair around my face, thinking it was a loose hair that was tickling my ear. I lay back down, not happy that I was still awake so late, and felt the tickling again. Almost like something was moving around inside my ear. Not going to lie, it was strange and unsettling.
After a few more minutes of fighting with my hair, I got frustrated and headed for the bathroom, looking to see what the problem was. I poked my finger inside my ear, and moved the hair aside, and felt something on my hand. In a quick motion I flicked my hand towards the toilet, and there I saw IT. A bug. A silver fish? Is that what they are called? THAT THING WAS INSIDE MY EAR just a second ago. THAT THING WAS INSIDE MY EAR!
I have NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER in my life had something like that happen. I’ve seen those things in the basement and sometimes in the bathroom, but to think it was in my bed, and on my pillow, and trying to make a home for itself INSIDE MY EAR completely freaked me out.
I swear to you I may never sleep again.
Have you EVER had something like that happen? I don’t like bugs or any kind, let alone those things that look pre-historic to me. EEEK. It still gives me the heebie jeebies.
How was YOUR Canada Day long weekend? What did YOU do? What did you think of the parade and the fireworks? And if you have a scary bug/ insect story – share with me. Please. We need a support group of some sort. Sleeping with the lights on tonight. Upright. Eyes open.
Tags: bugs, fear of bugs, silver fish
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan