The View From Here – Back To School/ Back To Routine
September 6, 2022 12:58 pmJust checking in to see how you are doing. It’s the first day of school for our kids. A day full of nerves, and excitement, a bit of apprehension, anxiety, fear, worry. Maybe that’s just me. Reliving all my first day of school memories. (smile) I was shy, awkward and such a dork. Not much has changed. (smile) I relive it all watching my kids go back to school. It’s harder this year knowing my youngest is in grade 11. Final two years of high school. Already thinking of what happens after. Gulp. This mom is not ready for her kids to leave the nest. How do you do it parents? I feel like it took me a decade to handle my son going away to school and then moving across the country. But the thought of no more kids at home has ME anxious, sad and NOT ready. I’m going to need a support group of some kind. Just warning you now.
Back to school brings back so many memories doesn’t it? Flashbacks to those first day jitters. Where to sit. Who would talk to me? Were my friends going to be in my class? Who would my teacher be? So much nervousness.
It’s not all jitters. First day of school brings me back to the excitement over new school supplies. When I was in school we got new pencils, new notebooks. And remember that glue? With the rubber top? Still get excited over new stuff. Seriously. Ask my kids. Back to school shopping usually means I get something new for myself. It makes me happy. And feel productive.
There is just something about this time of year that motivates me again. I want to get organized again. Rethink my goals and plans. Make new goals. Get back to routine. Get back to nutritious eating. MOST of the time. (smile) I organize and clean things up.
It’s like January 1. But better. Because no wind chill and no snow. (smile).
In the Fox Feel Good Facebook group we are helping each other get back into routine and if you could use a positive place to refocus, readjust and get back to routine – we’ve got your back. Come join us. We’d love to have you. No judgment. No need to do anything, sign up for anything or buy anything. Just show up. Soak up the positive vibes.
I hope the kids had a great first day of school. And if not, don’t worry. It gets easier. It’s always hard to adjust to a new year and new classroom, kids, teachers. But those nerves go away and you will settle in and do just great with the rest of the year.
Shout out to the teachers, staff, bus drivers, crossing guards – all the people that are back in their roles to take care of our kids. Thank you for all that you do. Wishing you a successful year as well.
Tags: back to school, goal setting, routine
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan