The View From Here – Who Inspires You?
September 29, 2022 2:32 pmToday I was lucky enough to be in a room with a few hundred other amazing women for the Famous Five Speakers Series at the Sunbridge Hotel and Conference Center.
The event is designed to showcase women and their success stories – but more than that, the challenges and obstacles they overcame to get to where they are.
When you look at your life, what do you remember? What obstacles did you overcome?
I find the older I get the more time I spend reflecting on the past. Where I started and where I am now and what I went through along the way. None of us go through life without challenges. Things that break us down. Those things can either help or hinder. I think it comes down to perspective.
Today’s powerful speaker was Carrie McEachran; wife, mother, CEO, write and advocate. It was inspiring to hear her share her story with us – taking us through her life as a middle child, to finding her place and her voice in high school and college. And she shared the battles she had to overcome and how each served as a gift of sorts in helping motivate her to keep going and keep fighting for what she really wanted to do with her life. And showed us that with determination you can make changes in your life no matter how hard or scary it might be and it just might be the best thing to happen to you.
Leaders need a passion for helping others. If you love to help others, that will help you be so much more successful. I think of all the things I still want to do in my life and found myself nodding my head so many times as she shared.
It’s a great day when you get to share the room with amazing women in your community, and share some encouragement, some laughs and compliments. It never gets old for me. The power of a compliment. Never doubt the power of sharing an encouraging word with someone else. It just might make their whole day.
Thank you Carrie for sharing your story. It was so nice to have had the chance to meet you in person (outside the walls of social media) and give you a hug. On my list of people who inspire me, you are one.
The Famous 5 Sarnia Lambton Speakers Series profiles successful women who speak candidly about their careers and the challenges and triumphs in their personal journey towards successful leadership. If you ever get the chance to attend one of these events (next one is coming up in November) you should really make it a priority and go.
And learn more about this group and why they are here –
Tags: Enbridge Famous 5 Speaker SeriesCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan