Christina Aguilera Releases New Version Of “Beautiful”
October 21, 2022 11:37 amThis is powerful. And I hope you share this with everyone you know.
On Wednesday morning, after teasing it was coming, it celebration of the 20 year anniversary of Stripped and World Mental Health Day – a new updated video for Christina’s song “Beautiful”. You guys, you have to watch this.
As Christina shared on her social media earlier this week
“We are Beautiful, no matter what they say ❤️ A message I will always stand by and a message I prioritize to instill in my own children through every chapter of their lives!
Today, it’s harder than ever to hear our own voice amongst so many others infiltrating our feeds and minds with mixed messaging… ultimately leading us to tune-out our own truth and self worth. The original ”Beautiful” video set out to bring awareness and a sense of compassion in the face of judgment, criticism, and outside opinions. It still carries an important message to remember our core values outside of what’s being fed to us…to find a sense of balance and accepting ourselves for who we are.”
A message shared on a bloody phone at the end of the video reads “In the last 20 years, since Stripped was first released, social media has transformed our relationship with our bodies, and in turn our mental health,” the message reads. “Research suggests that time spent on social networking sites is associated with body image issues, self-harm and disordered eating in children and teens. This needs to change.”
I seriously had tears watching this video. The impact of this video is powerful. Thank you Christina for bringing us this message and for encouraging people to always be themselves, and put mental health first, and to get off our phones and stop comparing ourselves and being afraid to be who we really are. The world needs this. I need this.
It’s so easy to get caught up in comparison and believing you aren’t good enough.
But you are.
You ARE beautiful just like the song says. Believe it to be true.
Want a reminder of just how much the world needs this message? Read the comments on her Facebook page about the song and video. The power of music to change lives in a good way.
The original –
Set featured image Tags: Beautiful, Beautiful 2022 version, Christina AguileraCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan