The View From Here – Almost 51
October 5, 2022 3:40 pmI am EAGER to say goodbye to 50. This has been my most challenging year yet. I used to be the one who said “age is just a number”. Until I hit 50.
50 is weird people. Like, emotions all over the place, feeling overwhelmed one minute, sad the next, angry, confused. Yep. All the feelings. Stop the ride. I want off.
I thought it was the pandemic. The after effects of isolation, stress and challenges and that extra weight. But it’s more than that as I’ve started questioning different things. We know the basics of getting older. We know the grey hair will happen, the wrinkles, but nobody really prepares us ladies for MENOPAUSE. Now, hang on, I don’t think I’m there – yet. But I’m getting there. I’ve got my ticket and I’m waiting in line. Ready and waiting to see what happens at the show.
It’s uncomfortable and I wish more people would talk about it. We need support groups. We need conversations. We need sympathy and understanding. We need to be told we’re not imagining it, we’re not crazy and we certainly can’t stop it.
I got the chance to talk to my doctor today about it and as she nodded I knew I was finally being heard and understood. It affirmed what I already knew and I felt better in knowing what I could do.
Yes, 50 has been challenging.
I’ve stared at the reflection in the mirror and wondered who it was staring back at me. This past year I have struggled with all that aging brings with it. It’s ODD and has had a surprise impact on my mental health. I’m sure the pandemic didn’t help. The isolation. The extra pounds. Can we talk about that for a minute? How we hit an age and suddenly gain weight just looking at food? And emotions. Oh my. All over the place. My apologies to anybody in my circle. I’ve isolated myself more. I’ve walked away from people and things I used to enjoy. And have asked the question “What is WRONG with me” way more than I’d care to admit.
Menopause happens. Perimenopause happens. And it effects us. And as I get closer to my 51 birthday, I’m doing whatever I can to learn more about it, so at least I know what to expect and to know that I am not alone.
And something else magical happens as we hit the 50 mark. We need to take care of our bodies. We get booked for all kinds of tests to make sure we stay healthy and strong for a long time. One of those tests is a mammogram. Have you seen what Bluewater Health is doing? They have a new online referral system just launched during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You can access the new platform anytime, and is meant to make it easier to book breast screening services for those between the ages of 50 and 74. I booked mine this afternoon. Gotta keep doing all the things to take care of ourselves, right?
I love that my yearly checkups, and maybe my mammogram, is always done around my birthday. It’s like the best gift. Taking care of my health. Grateful to be able to do that.
Now if someone can please tell me just how long this menopause stuff lasts, I would appreciate it. (smile)
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan