The View From Here – Reflecting
October 11, 2022 3:41 pmI turned 51 on Monday. We were camping this weekend at the Pinery, with my brother and his family. Our new Thanksgiving tradition that we started a few years ago. We deep fry a turkey, and bring all the fixin’s for dinner. And we celebrate my birthday. It’s nice. It’s relaxing. It’s the perfect way to celebrate a new year, and reflect on what’s to come.
How do you get away from the busyness of the world? Where do you go? What do you do?
I find the older I get the more I crave the stillness. The more I want to get away from day to day busy. And camping is the perfect way to get away from it all. Even showering. Ha ha ha.
It was a cold weekend. I may or may not have stayed in my layers all three days and was totally fine with that. No phones. No online world. No Netflix. Nothing to distract.
Yes it was cold sleeping in a tent, but I actually enjoyed it. I loved listening to the wind and waves of the lake nearby. I loved NOT hearing any of the nearby wildlife, like the black bear that has been seen spotted wandering the grounds lately.
As I sat in my quiet spot on Monday morning, with my third cup of coffee, I admired the beauty of the park around me. The blue skies above me. And just reflected on my life. 50 was a tough age for some reason. 51 feels like it is coming full of potential and opportunity.
I’m excited to see what comes my way this year.
Thankful for family and friends, and for you as well. Thanks for being here. Reading these sometimes lengthy blogs and for connecting with me every afternoon from 2 – 6. I appreciate you more than you know.
I’ve got a new Duran Duran album to listen to. My birthday gift from my kids was themed around my favourite colour “blue” – so I have lots of fun things to enjoy – form blue socks, to a blue emoji blanket, a puzzle, and lots of yummy candy to enjoy. Which brings me to my gift to myself this year – a new exercise program to do at home and fun group online to help other women who are looking to do the same – workout/ try to eat better and work on themselves in a positive way. Because boy do I need to get back to that again. I’m still holding onto the “covid 19 pounds”.
I hope that you find ways to take a break from the world and the busyness – however that looks to you. And you take time to find a quiet space, and reflect on your own life. You don’t need a birthday or other special occasion to do it. I like doing it often.
Tags: 51, aging, Birthday, camping, Duran Duran, getting older, health, reflecting, Thanksgiving, turkey, weight gain, wellness, women
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan