I Loved The Harry & Meghan DocuSeries
December 12, 2022 11:28 amThere has been so much build up to the newly released Harry & Meghan Docuseries on Netflix. It’s the first project to come out of the couple’s deal with Netflix, which is rumoured to be worth millions of dollars, and it’s not coming without backlash.
I’ve seen it online. Some incredibly upset with the couple revealing too much, speaking out against the family. Some calling them “privileged” and “brats”. Others congratulating them on finally calling out the royal family for it’s mistreatment of women.
I watched the first episode on Friday night. It focused more on how Harry and Meghan met. Their family backgrounds and how they grew up.
You see Harry as so much more than a royal with a title. You see how much he has grown, and the struggle of growing up in the royal household. You see a boy who grew up in the spotlight, but was fiercely protected by his mother who tried so hard to protect him and William from the press that never left her alone. Harry had to grow up in the spotlight, not only as a royal, next in line to the throne – but he was trying to grieve the loss of his mother with no help, and everything he did was criticized.
It’s a role he was born into, but didn’t choose. I don’t see him as entitled or privileged. His mother tried hard to raise him with an understanding of others, with compassion and empathy. You see that in him now, with his charity work. With the charities he chooses to support. With his organizations and events. Very much Diana’s son.
You get an idea of just how hard it is to live a normal life when the press just won’t leave you alone and will stop at nothing to get the story and the money.
Harry witnessed it when his mother Princess Diana was the target and now he has seen it with his wife. You can’t blame him for wanting to get away from that world when we see the damage it caused to his mother, and was ultimately the cause of her tragic death.
I think Harry and Meghan have a beautiful love story and a very strong relationship. I don’t think his intention is to harm the family or bring shame, but to bring an awareness that the way things are done is plain wrong.
I think if anything that comes out of these first three episodes is just how much the media harass the family on a daily basis. And not just the direct family, but friends and family of the family. Press looking for a story, an angle. Something to sell. Camping out in front of homes and workplaces, just to get a glimpse, a picture, a juicy story.
For the first time we get to hear Harry and Meghan speak their truth and share how difficult it can be when there are people out to destroy you or make you look bad. Not just in the press but in those close to you. Who will stop at nothing. They will twist your words, always looking for something to make you look bad. The next scandal.
The Royal Family is fascinating, but complicated. Rich in history and tradition. We watch in wonder and curiosity, the glitz and glamour. The crowns, the jewels, the pageantry. It seems easy to be born a prince or princess. To have all the money and fame and not a care in the world.
I don’t think it’s like that at all. It’s life in a gilded cage as it’s explained in the show. Always expected to “perform” or risk being torn apart in the next news cycle.
And maybe this isn’t “proper” for Harry and Meghan to share their story like this. To tell the secrets. To reveal what goes on behind closed doors. When Princess Diana did her book and then the TV interview, people were shocked and appalled. But so many loved her more because she shared so openly with the world her pain and frustration, her heartache and sadness. We were able to sympathize and relate to her that much more. Diana brought hope to bringing positive change to the Royal family. I think Meghan is doing the same. And with Harry by her side there just may be hope yet.
I loved the first three episodes. I didn’t see that it was intentionally doing harm to the royals. I think they just wanted to set the record straight. They wanted to be heard.
It is a very interesting look at the lives of Harry and Meghan and I am looking forward to the next three episodes set to be released this Thursday.
I believe that leaving England is the best thing they could have done for them. Harry seems very happy with his life, with his family. You see his pain when he talks of his mother. You see the love that they had. The strength of their relationship.
I loved Harry & Meghan.
Have you watched? What did you think?
“They just wanted to be free”
Tags: docuseries, Harry & Meghan, Netflix, Princess Diana, Royal FamilyCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan